This introductory chapter showed how to set up the necessary libraries to run TensorFlow, Keras, and Dopamine. Hopefully, you will use Colabs to make things easier for you to learn. You also learned the basic mindset and design concept behind these frameworks. Although such frameworks are the most popular at the time of writing this book, there are other competitors out there, which we also introduced briefly.
At this point, you are all set to begin the journey to mastering deep learning. Our first milestone is to know how to prepare data for deep learning applications. This item is crucial for the success of the model. No matter how good the models are and how deep they are, if the data is not properly formatted or treated, it can lead to catastrophic performance results. For that reason, we will now go to Chapter 3, Preparing Data. In that chapter, you will learn how to take a dataset and prepare it for the specific task you are trying to solve with a specific type of deep learning model. However, before you go there, please try to quiz yourself with the following questions.