Center, Start, End
The last arc in this series of arc options that I will explain here is Center, Start, End. By now, you must have understood the workflow of making the arc. In this case, you need to click on the center point of the arc, then the start point, and lastly, the end point.
Select the tool from the Arc drop-down menu in the Draw panel and click on the midpoint of the AB line as the center point. Now, click on the A point and then click on the B point. The arc shown here will be made:
Here, we can also reverse the order of selection of the start and end points to reverse the direction of the arc. For example, you can select the midpoint of the AB line as the center of the arc, then B as the start point, and then A as the end point, and the arc will be formed inside the triangle. You can also press and hold the Ctrl key to reverse the direction of the arc while making it. In this case, the AB line will be the diameter of the arc.
So, these are the most frequently used arc tools from the list, but there are also other tools in the list and I encourage you to explore the remaining arc tools yourself. After arcs, we will explore the Rectangle command, which is another frequently used draw tool. You can make a rectangle or square using lines, but we have this direct tool as well, which enables us to make rectangles very easily with fewer clicks.