C++ Game Development By Example


Structures or structs are used to group data together. A struct can have different data elements in it, called members, integers, floats, chars, and so on. You can create many objects of a similar struct and store values in the struct for data management.

The syntax of a struct is shown as follows:

struct name{ 
type1 name1; 
type2 name2; 
} ; 

An object of a struct can be created as follows:

struct_name     object_name; 

An object is an instance of a struct to which we can assign properties to the data types we created when creating the struct. An example of this is as follows.

In a situation in which you want to maintain a database of students' ages and the height of a section, your struct definition will look like this:

struct student { 
   int age; 
   float height; 

Now you can create an array of objects and store the values for each student:

int main() 
   student section[3]; 
   section[0].age = 17; 
   section[0].height = 39.45f; 
   section[1].age = 12; 
   section[1].height = 29.45f; 
   section[2].age = 8; 
   section[2].height = 13.45f; 
   for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { 
         std::cout << "student " << i << " age: " << section[i].age << " height: " << section[i].height << std::endl; 
   return 0; 

Here is the output of this: