Python Machine Learning Cookbook(Second Edition)

Getting ready

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You need to treat each value in the dataset as a string. We consider six attributes in the dataset. Here are the attributes along with the possible values they can take:

  • buying: These will be vhigh, high, med, and low.
  • maint: These will be vhigh, high, med, and low.
  • doors: These will be 2, 3, 4, 5, and more.
  • persons: These will be 2, 4, and more.
  • lug_boot: These will be small, med, and big.
  • safety: These will be low, med, and high.

Given that each line contains strings, we need to assume that all the features are strings and design a classifier. In the previous chapter, we used random forests to build a regressor. In this recipe, we will use random forests as a classifier.