About the author
Claus Matzinger is a software engineer with a very diverse background. After working in a small company maintaining code for embedded devices, he joined a large corporation to work on legacy Smalltalk applications. This led to a great interest in programming languages early on, and Claus became the CTO for a health games start-up based on Scala technology.
Since then, Claus' roles have shifted toward customer-facing roles in the IoT database-technology start-up crate.io and, most recently, Microsoft. There, he hosts a podcast, writes code together with customers, and blogs about the solutions arising from these engagements. For more than 5 years, Claus has implemented software to help customers innovate, achieve, and maintain success.
Any large project is a joint effort, and many people have helped me create this book. There is the Rust community, who eagerly helped with my questions; the Packt team, who provided comments on my writing; my colleagues, with whom I kept discussing language details; and—above all—my future wife, who gave me the space and support to write every day.
Thank you, all!
Thank you, all!