Backpressure strategies
If an observable doesn't support backpressure but we are still interested in all of the items it emits, we can use one of the built-in backpressure combinators provided by Rx.
As an example, we will look at one such combinator, onBackpressureBuffer:
(rx/subscribe (->> (rx/map vector
(.onBackpressureBuffer (fast-producing-obs))
(rx/map (fn [[x y]]
(+ x y)))
(rx/take 10))
(fn [e] (prn-to-repl "error is " e))) ;; 2 ;; 4 ;; 6 ;; 8 ;; 10 ;; 12 ;; 14 ;; 16 ;; 18 ;; 20
This example is very similar to the one where we used sample, but the output is fairly different. This time, we get all of the items that have been emitted by both observables.
The onBackpressureBuffer strategy implements a strategy that simply buffers all of the items that are emitted by the slower Observable, emitting them whenever the consumer is ready. In our case, this happens every 500 milliseconds.
Other strategies include onBackpressureDrop and onBackpressureBlock.
It's worth noting that Reactive pull backpressure is still a work in progress and the best way to keep up to date with progress is on the RxJava wiki on the subject: https://github.com/ReactiveX/RxJava/wiki/Backpressure.