About the reviewers
Berman Enconado is very passionate about everything relating to cyber security. Ever since he was a teenager, he has practiced, toyed with, and delved in the art of cracking and hacking. He started his professional career back in 2003 at Trend Micro. From then, he has shared his knowledge in reverse engineering and developed relevant malware-related systems with big companies such as eSoft, Sunbelt/GFI/ThreatTrack, NSSlabs, and currently Microsoft. He has been invited to be a speaker at conferences, educational institutions, and government sectors concerning malware and ways to efficiently subvert its progress.
Chiheb Chebbi is a Tunisian InfoSec enthusiast, author, and technical reviewer with experience of various aspects of information security, focusing on investigating advanced cyber attacks and researching cyber espionage. His core interests lie in penetration testing, machine learning, and threat hunting. He has been included in many Halls Of Fame. His talk proposals have been accepted by many world-class information security conferences.