Hands-On Full:Stack Web Development with ASP.NET Core

The content root and web root folders

ASP.NET Core defines two types of folders:

  • Content root: This is the root directory of the application. Any files outside this directory will not take part in the frontend application.
  • Web root: This is where static files are located.

By default, the content root is the root folder of the application, and the web root is the <content root>/wwwroot folder.

The web root folder is not exposed to the end user by default. Making it available to end users is described later in this chapter, under Setting the server to serve static files.

In large applications, the content root path might need to be changed. To do so, open the Program.cs file, locate the CreateWebHostBuilder static method, and add the following marked line to it:


In this example, we're setting the path of the content root folder to <project root>/client.

In addition, the wwwroot folder name might not fit all scenarios. In order to change it, open the Program.cs file, find the BuildWebHost, and change it as follows:


The highlighted line changes the web root path to <content root>/assets.