What this book covers
Chapter 1, The Evolution of Software Delivery, introduces you to a typical software-based business and details their evolution from a fledgling start-up, through the growing pains following acquisition, to the best of both worlds.
Chapter 2, Understanding Your Current Pain Points, introduces you to the tools and techniques that can be used to determine the current pain points within your software delivery process and where they stem from.
Chapter 3, Culture and Behaviors are the Cornerstones to Success, highlights the importance of the "human" factors that must be taken into account if you want CD and DevOps to succeed.
Chapter 4, Planning for Success, gives you some pointers on how a successful adoption of CD and DevOps can be defined and how this success can be measured.
Chapter 5, Approaches, Tools, and Techniques, introduces you to the various tools and techniques (some technical, some not so) that can help with the adoption of CD and DevOps.
Chapter 6, Avoiding Hurdles, gives you useful insights, tips, and tricks to help you overcome or avoid the bumps in the road during adoption of CD and DevOps.
Chapter 7, Vital Measurements, focuses on the various metrics and measures that can be used to monitor and communicate the relative success of CD and DevOps adoption.
Chapter 8, You Are Not Finished Just Yet, covers the less-than-obvious tasks that are important if you want to cement CD and DevOps into your day-to-day work.
Chapter 9, Expanding Your Opportunity Horizon, looks into how to evolve CD and DevOps once the adoption has taken hold.
Chapter 10, CD and DevOps Beyond Traditional Software Delivery, provides some insight into how you can reuse CD and DevOps tools, techniques, and approaches beyond software delivery.