The ACME systems evolution story is not atypical of the many software businesses out there today. No doubt, you will recognize and relate to some of the traits and challenges detailed in the ACME journey, and you should now be able to plot where your business (or your client's/partner's business) currently sits within the CD and DevOps evolutionary scale. You also got a holistic view of what CD and DevOps is and what it isn't.
We'll now move from storytelling mode and start to look in more detail at some of the practical aspects of adopting CD and DevOps, starting with how you identify the underlying problems that can (and do) stifle the delivery of quality software.
In Chapter 2, Understanding Your Current Pain Points, we'll be looking into how you go about identifying the problems and issues within their Software Delivery Life Cycle (SDLC) and highlight some tools, techniques, and approaches to surface said problems and issues so that they can be fixed.