Selenium WebDriver Quick Start Guide

Finding elements within the container element

On the login page, the structure is such that the username, password, and the login button are contained inside the form with id=xyz. In such a situation, the child elements can be accessed using findElements on the container or parent element.

The following code displays the number of input elements in the form:

public class DynamicText1 {
public static void main(String[] args) {
WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver();
driver.manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait(30, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
String dynamicXpath = "//*[@id='loginForm']";
List<WebElement> elem =
List<WebElement> elem1 =
System.out.println("no of elements: " + elem1.size());

The output displayed in console is shown below
no of elements: 3

This is a very simple program which has hardcoded values. To remove hardcoding from a program, we require a framework, which we will discuss in forthcoming chapters.