The Hello world application using Cloud Foundry
In this section, we will develop a very basic Cloud Foundry application to illustrate the nature of the cloud-native application using PaaS. The application itself is a basic HTML page index.html as given in the following example.
Optional step: A prerequisite for executing this application is to have access to a PaaS provider, such as the Pivotal CF platform https://pivotal.io/platform/, the command-line tools for connecting to the cloud provider, and so on. This is optional seeing as the focus is to highlight some of advantages of running in a PaaS environment.
Download the source code from GitHub:
git clone https://github.com/tjayant/Predix-HelloWorld-WebApp # replace with the final git
cd HelloWorld-WebApp
The content of Index.html is given in the following example:
// Index.html
<title>Hello World</title>
Hello World
The Manifest.yml file given in the next example describes the runtimes needed using build packs, memory requirements, dependent services such as logservice, in-memory key-value store Redis, and Security using UAA:
# Manifest.yml for a basic hello world index.html file
- name: HelloWorld-WebApp # your application name
buildpack: staticfile_buildpack # built pack
memory: 256M
stack: cflinuxfs2
- log-stash # inject dependency such as log service
- redis
- my-uaa
Deploy the application using the cf command line and one simple command:
cf push
List the applications using the following:
cf apps
And scale the applications using the following:
cf scale HelloWorld-WebApp -i 5