For installation, use the following command to clone the repository from GitHub:
git clone https://github.com/zerosum0x0/koadic
A quick listing will show the files present in the Koadic directory, using the following command:
ls -alh
requirements.txt contains the Python packages that are required to run koadic. The following command can be used to install these packages from requirement.txt:
sudo pip install -r requirement.txt
Once the installation is complete, you can run koadic by executing the following command:
Koadic starts with the MSHTA stager as the default stager. The Microsoft HTML Application (MSHTA) is a full-grown Microsoft Windows HTML application that is trusted by the developer who creates it. It's like the Internet Explorer browser but without the user interface or any strict security model. It displays only a few options, such as menus, icons, title information, and toolbars.