A note on HTML helper functions
There are several HTML helper functions that are designed to generate HTML to go straight on the page; type ?p in the console for the complete list. These functions allow you to mark up text in HTML using R code—for example, h3("Heading 3") will produce <h3>Heading 3</h3>, p("Paragraph") will produce <p>Paragraph</p>, and so on.
The HTML tags that will be available using this function include <br>, <code>, <div>, <em>, <h1>, <img>, <p>, <pre>, and <span>. Even more tags are available through the use of the tags() function. There is more on Shiny and HTML in Chapter 3, Integrating Shiny with HTML, and a full list of tags and other help is available in the documentation at shiny.rstudio.com/articles/html-tags.html.