Hands-On Intelligent Agents with OpenAI Gym

Creating your first OpenAI Gym environment

We will be going over the steps to set up the OpenAI Gym dependencies and other tools required for training your reinforcement learning agents in detail in Chapter 3, Getting Started with OpenAI Gym and Deep Reinforcement Learning. This section provides a quick way to get started with the OpenAI Gym Python API on Linux and macOS using virtualenv so that you can get a sneak peak into the Gym!

MacOS and Ubuntu Linux systems come with Python installed by default. You can check which version of Python is installed by running python --version from a terminal window. If this returns python followed by a version number, then you are good to proceed to the next steps! If you get an error saying the Python command was not found, then you have to install Python. Please refer to the detailed installation section in Chapter 3, Getting Started with OpenAI Gym and Deep Reinforcement Learning of this book:

  1. Install virtualenv:
$pip install virtualenv
If  pip is not installed on your system, you can install it by typing  sudo easy_install pip.
  1. Create a virtual environment named openai-gym using the virtualenv tool:
 $virtualenv openai-gym
  1. Activate the openai-gym virtual environment:
$source openai-gym/bin/activate
  1. Install all the packages for the Gym toolkit from upstream:
$pip install -U gym
If you get permission denied or failed with error code 1 when you run the pip install command, it is most likely because the permissions on the directory you are trying to install the package to (the openai-gym directory inside virtualenv in this case) needs special/root privileges. You can either run  sudo -H pip install -U gym[all] to solve the issue or change permissions on the openai-gym directory by running  sudo chmod -R o+rw ~/openai-gym.
  1. Test to make sure the installation is successful:
$python -c 'import gym; gym.make("CartPole-v0");'