The Gestalt theory
The Gestalt theory was created by the famous psychologist Max Wertheimer along with other psychologists, such as Kurt Koffka and Wolfgang K?hler. This theory came about in the early 20th century, and addresses perceptual experiences and other related patterns of stimulation.
Another type of Gestalt theory is known as the law of simplicity.
“The whole is other than the sum of its parts.”
— Kurt Koffka
The following are some really important Gestalt laws to learn as UX professionals:
- The proximity law
- The similarity law
- The closure law
- The figure-ground law
- The common region law
Before we go deeper into each of these laws, if you want to learn more about UX laws besides Gestalt ones, check out this website, https://lawsofux.com/, which contains amazing information related to UX laws.