Removed packages, classes, and methods
The following packages, classes, and methods are no longer supported in the Spring Framework 5.0 release:
- The beans.factory.access package, including the class SpringBeanAutowiringInterceptor.
- The jdbc.support.nativejdbc package, which is replaced by JDBC 4 implementation.
- The mock.staticmock package, with which AnnotationDrivenStaticEntityMockingControl is no longer supported.
- The web.views.tiles2 package, with the minimum version requirement for tiles being version 3.
- The orm.hibernate3/hibernate4 packages, with the minimum version requirement for Hibernate being version 5.
- Most of the deprecated classes in the previous version have been removed.
- Some methods in JSP Standard Tag Library (JSTL) have been removed. For example, FormTag commandName is no longer available.