The main focus of this book is to cover cloud concepts followed by design, development, and deployment of scalable, available, and secure applications on AWS. We will introduce you to the fundamental AWS building blocks such as compute instances, storage, security, and networking. We will start by helping you to set up your AWS account and then explain the wide variety of AWS service offerings, cloud environments, and costing models.
This book will not only guide you through various design decision trade-offs and ideas but will also illustrate the implementation of popular use cases, frameworks, and application architectures to get the most out of AWS services. You will also understand the guiding principles and best practices for using AWS services to implement cost-efficient application architectures.
We will explain high-availability, scalability and auto-scaling, security, serverless computing, and Infrastructure as Code concepts on AWS. We will also cover disaster recovery, production deployments and application monitoring techniques in real-world AWS applications. Finally, we will cover the design, implementation, and deployment of emerging applications such as big data analytics, real-time streaming and machine learning applications on AWS.
By the end of this book, you will be well versed with various services that AWS provides and you will learn to design and build scalable, highly available, and secure AWS applications. More specifically, we will cover key architectural components and patterns in large-scale AWS applications that architects and designers will find useful as building blocks for their own specific use cases.