Explicitly published interface
The published interface is a term that usually generates a lot of confusion with the public interface. It is critical to understand the difference between the two terms: microservices and distributed source systems.
Think of a microservice. All internal microservice code will be used and shared among the development team; class methods are abstractions or attributes and can all be part of the public interface between teams. This is because of the convenience to notify and make changes in the event of possible refactoring. There is no point in generating a lot of bureaucracy at the development level, just for the features to gain speed in the implementation.
When it comes to the published interface, however, it is different. The published interface is what the microservice developers release. The published interface is what will be consumed by the internet. A good example is the Single Sign-On (SSO) API. Imagine that APIs suffer sudden changes to implement new features such as security and that these changes do not have a good system of alerts for all customers of these APIs. It is simply not appropriate to use this SSO service, because of updates, the API client suffers from incompatibilities.
Published interfaces should have more control and be more resilient to refactoring. Usually, they apply only to external application clients. The less possible changes in the level of the signatures, the better. The following diagram shows the possibility of maintaining the published interface signature:

Some concepts are important for published interfaces, such as:
- Published versioned interfaces: An efficient version control to indicate when something, deprecated is key. Not only that, but it will also indicate what the new version is and when the deprecated version will be deactivated permanently.
- Small published interfaces: A large payload is much more susceptible to change than a more specialized payload. Applying the concepts of DDD on these payloads is very healthy.
- Published external interfaces: Do not create the concept of published interfaces for internal development teams. This creates a slow process of change and implementation features.
It is common to think of the concept of public interface versus published interface as something similar to the public versus private OOP, but they are actually different. The published interface does not mean depriving the client of resources, but rather directing the customer to consume adequate resources resiliently.