Programming languages
Discussing programming languages is something that can be controversial, primarily because many developers tackle programming languages in a great hurry. However, programming languages should be seen as what they really are, a working tool. Every tool has a specific purpose and programming languages are no different.
It is just an analysis focused on our business, the news portal, which we will use to get to the point of how to select a language.
A big plus point for microservices is the heterogeneity of applications. In other words, it is not necessary to think of a single stack to apply to all business areas. We can thus define each microservice stack that applies, including when it comes to a programming language.
Basically, any programming language that meets the internet can be used in microservices. The difference is due to the requirements and domain boundaries that must be encoded. Some domain indicators can help us in this process.
If a microservice has strong mathematical processing load requirements, or where immutability of values is something positive, functional languages would be an interesting way to go. If there is a demand for processing large masses of data, then a compiled language with a robust virtual machine may be the answer.
Remember that missing this strategy could compromise the project deadline or even the entire application architecture. The fact is that several aspects should be analyzed before any definition, such as:
- Proficiency
- Performance
- Development practicality
- Ecosystem
- Scalability cost