Building RESTful Web Services with Spring 5(Second Edition)

deleteUser – implementation in the handler and repository

Here, we will define and implement the deleteUser method in our repository. Also, we will call the deleteUser method in the main class through UserHandler.

As usual, we will add an abstract method for the deleteUser method in the UserRepository class:

Mono<Void> deleteUser(Integer id);

In the file, we will add the deleteUser method to remove the specified user from the list:

public Mono<Void> deleteUser(Integer id) {
System.out.println("user : "+users);
return Mono.empty();

In the preceding method, we simply remove the element from users and return an empty Mono object.

As we have added the deleteUser method in the repository, here we will follow up on our handler:

public Mono<ServerResponse> deleteUser(ServerRequest request) { 
int userId = Integer.valueOf(request.pathVariable("id"));
return ServerResponse.ok().build(this.userRepository.deleteUser(userId));

Finally, we will add the REST API path to save the user in our existing routing function in

public RouterFunction<ServerResponse> routingFunction() {
UserRepository repository = new UserRepositorySample();
UserHandler handler = new UserHandler(repository);
return nest (
route(GET("/"), handler::getAllUsers)
.andRoute(GET("/{id}"), handler::getUser)
.andRoute(POST("/").and(contentType(APPLICATION_JSON)), handler::createUser)
.andRoute(PUT("/").and(contentType(APPLICATION_JSON)), handler::updateUser)
.andRoute(DELETE("/{id}"), handler::deleteUser)