Odoo 11 Development Cookbook(Second Edition)

How to do it...

In order to use buildout to build your project, you need to follow these steps:

  1. On your development server, create a new work directory:
    $ mkdir ~/odoo-dev/project-buildout
    $ cd ~/odoo-dev/project-buildout
  1. Create a file called buildout.cfg:
parts = odoo 
recipe = anybox.recipe.odoo:server 
OCA = https://github.com/OCA 
version = git https://github.com/odoo/odoo.git odoo 11.0 depth=1 
addons = git ${odoo:OCA}/server-tools.git parts/server-tools 11.0 
  git ${odoo:OCA}/partner-contact.git parts/partner-contact 11.0 
  local local/addons 
options.limit_memory_hard = 4294967296 
options.limit_memory_soft = 671088640 
options.limit_request = 8192 
options.limit_time_cpu = 120 
options.limit_time_real = 300 
options.http_port = 8069 
options.longpolling_port = 8072 
options.workers = 0 
zc.buildout = 2.9.5 
# you will need to update the following line
# once the version supporting Odoo 11.0 is known. # anybox.buildout.odoo = 1.9.1 setuptools = 19.7
setuptools = 19.7

Babel = 2.3.4
decorator = 4.0.10
docutils = 0.12
ebaysdk = 2.1.5
feedparser = 5.2.1
gevent = 1.1.2
greenlet = 0.4.10
jcconv = 0.2.3
html2text = 2016.9.19
Jinja2 = 2.8
lxml = 3.5.0
Mako = 1.0.4
MarkupSafe = 0.23
mock = 2.0.0
num2words = 0.5.4
ofxparse = 0.16
passlib = 1.6.5
Pillow = 3.4.1
psutil = 4.3.1
psycogreen = 1.0
psycopg2 = 2.7.1
pydot = 1.2.3
pyldap = 2.4.28
pyparsing = 2.1.10
PyPDF2 = 1.26.0
pyserial = 3.1.1
python-dateutil = 2.5.3
pytz = 2016.7
pyusb = 1.0.0
PyYAML = 3.12
qrcode = 5.3
reportlab = 3.3.0
requests = 2.11.1
six = 1.10.0
suds-jurko = 0.6
vatnumber = 1.2
vobject = 0.9.3
Werkzeug = 0.11.11
XlsxWriter = 0.9.3
xlwt = 1.3.0
xlrd = 1.0.0
  1. Create a configuration file for the production environment in prod.cfg:
extends = buildout.cfg 
options.limit_memory_hard = 4294967296 
options.limit_memory_soft = 671088640 
options.limit_request = 8192 
options.limit_time_cpu = 120 
options.limit_time_real = 300 
options.workers = 4 
options.data_dir = project/filestore
options.http_interface = 
options.http_port = 8069 
options.longpolling_port = 8072 
options.log_level = warn 
options.log_handler = :WARNING,werkzeug:CRITICAL,odoo.service.server:INFO 
options.admin_password = generate with pwgen -s 16 1 
options.listdb = False 
options.db_host = False 
options.db_port = False 
options.db_user = False 
options.db_name = odoo_project 
options.dbfilter = ^odoo_project$ 
options.proxy_mode = True 
  1. Create a configuration file for the development environment in dev.cfg:
extends = buildout.cfg 
options.db_name = odoo_dev 
options.dbfilter = ^odoo_dev$ 
options.log_level = info 
  1. Create a virtualenv without setuptools:
    $ virtualenv -p python3 sandbox --no-setuptools
  1. Download the current version of the bootstrap.py file:
$ wget https://raw.github.com/buildout/buildout/master/bootstrap/bootstrap.py
  1. Run the bootstrap.py script:
    $ sandbox/bin/python3 bootstrap.py
  1. On your development machine, you can create a development environment by running the following:
    $ bin/buildout -c dev.cfg
  1. On the production server, you can create a production environment by running
    the following:
    $ bin/buildout -c prod.cfg
  1. To start the instance, run the following:
    $ bin/start_odoo
  1. Commit the files to Git (you may also want to add a .gitignore file):
    $ git init
    $ git add buildout.cfg prod.cfg dev.cfg bootstrap.py local/addons
    $ git commit -m "initialize project with buildout"