What this book covers
Chapter 1, Concepts of Continuous Integration, gives an account of how some of the most popular and widely used software development methodologies gave rise to Continuous Integration. This is followed by a detailed explanation of the various requirements and best practices to achieve Continuous Integration.
Chapter 2, Installing Jenkins, is a step-by-step guide all about installing Jenkins across various platforms, including Docker.
Chapter 3, The New Jenkins, provides an overview of how the new Jenkins 2.x looks and feels, with an in-depth explanation of its essential constituents. It also introduces readers to the new features added in Jenkins 2.x.
Chapter 4, Configuring Jenkins, focuses on accomplishing some basic Jenkins administration tasks.
Chapter 5, Distributed Builds, explores how to implement a build farm using Docker. It also talks about adding standalone machines as Jenkins slaves.
Chapter 6, Installing SonarQube and Artifactory, covers installing and configuring SonarQube and Artifactory for CI.
Chapter 7, Continuous Integration Using Jenkins, takes you through a Continuous Integration design and the means to achieve it using Jenkins, in collaboration with some other DevOps tools.
Chapter 8, Continuous Delivery Using Jenkins, outlines a Continuous Delivery design and the means to achieve it using Jenkins, in collaboration with some other DevOps tools.
Chapter 9, Continuous Deployment Using Jenkins, explains the difference between Continuous Delivery and Continuous Deployment. It also features a step-by-step guide to implementing Continuous Deployment using Jenkins.
Appendix, Supporting Tools and Installation Guide, takes you through the steps required to make your Jenkins server accessible over the internet and the installation guide for Git.