Learning Salesforce Einstein


Artificial Intelligence is empowering a variety of web and mobile applications, making them smarter and predictable. Salesforce Einstein from Salesforce brings Artificial Intelligence to its variety of cloud offerings, adding intelligence. With Einstein added to sales, service, marketing, Community Cloud, Analytics Cloud, and IoT Cloud, enterprises can leverage the power of artificial intelligence with the Salesforce data out of box without the need for data scientists. Because Einstein services are on cloud, this avoids having to set up and maintain any hardware infrastructure.

Einstein for developers offers APIs for image recognition, and with the PredictionIO framework offered by Einstein, developers can use out-of-the-box templates provided by the PredictionIO framework to create predictive engines for any machine learning task. The primary intent of this book is to cover the breadth of Salesforce Einstein. For Salesforce developers, the book provides a comprehensive coverage of what’s currently available as a part of the Einstein offering, and how they can integrate with Salesforce data. For data scientists, it gives an overview of Salesforce Cloud offerings, and how machine learning is baked into the offerings.