Posted Document
The Posted Document type contains the history version of the original documents for a variety of data types such as Sales Invoices, Purchase Invoices, Sales Shipments, and Purchase Receipts. Posted Documents are designed to provide an easy reference to the historical data in a format similar to what one would have stored in paper files. A Posted Document looks very similar to the original source document. For example, a Posted Sales Invoice will look very similar to the original Sales Order or Sales Invoice. The Posted Documents are included in the Navigate function.
The following screenshots show a Sales Order before posting and the resulting Posted Sales Invoice document. Both documents are in a header/detail format, where the information in the header applies to the whole order and the information in the detail is specific to the indpidual order line. As part of the Sales Order page, there is information displayed to the right of the actual order. This is designed to make the user's life easier by providing related information without requiring a separate lookup action.
First, we see the Sales Order document ready to be posted:
The following screenshot is that of the partial shipment Sales Invoice document after the invoice has been posted for the shipped goods: