Node.js 6.x Blueprints

Adding partials files for head and footer

Now lets add files for head and footer:

  1. Inside the views/partials folder create a new file called head.html and place the following code:
          <meta charset="utf-8"> 
          <title>{{ title }}</title> 
          <link rel='stylesheet' href='
          <link rel="stylesheet" href="/stylesheets/style.css"> 
  2. Inside the views/partials folder create a file called footer.html and place the following code:
          <script src='
          <script src='
  3. Now, its time to add the partials file to the layout.html page using the include tag. Open layout.html and add the following code:
          <!DOCTYPE html> 
              {% include "../partials/head.html" %} 
               {% block content %} 
               {% endblock %} 
              {% include "../partials/footer.html" %} 

Finally we are ready to continue with our project. This time our directories structure will look like the following screenshot:

Folder structure