Mastering Business Intelligence with MicroStrategy

Chapter 1. Getting Started with MicroStrategy

The modern market for Business Intelligence (BI) tools is full of various products with different advantages and disadvantages. For example, some of them are easy to deploy but hard to maintain. Another has strong data discovery capabilities but restricted data governance and struggles with complex enterprise data models. MicroStrategy 10 is one of the leading platforms on the market, can handle all data analytics demands, and offers a powerful solution. It combines self-service BI, data discovery and preparation, and big data exploration, bringing the vision of a single-vendor solution within reach of BI and analytics leaders. It combines data discovery and enterprise BI in a single platform, allowing organizations to invest in a single vendor that provides both agile self-service BI and traditional reporting, with integration between the two.

This chapter will cover:

  • BI best practices
  • BI maturity model
  • MicroStrategy 10 new features
  • Deploying MicroStrategy 10 on top of Linux
  • Deploying business case