Who this book is for
This book is aimed at readers with little or no previous experience with agile or Continuous Integration. It serves as a great starting point for everyone who is new to the field of DevOps and would like to leverage the benefits of Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery in order to increase productivity and reduce delivery time.
Build and release engineers, deployment engineers, DevOps engineers, SCM (Software Configuration Management) engineers, developers, testers, and project managers all can benefit from this book.
The readers who are already using Jenkins for Continuous Integration can learn to take their project to the next level, which is Continuous Delivery. This book discusses Continuous Integration, Continuous Delivery, and Continuous Deployment using a Java-based project. Nevertheless, the concepts are still applicable if you are using other technology setups, such as Ruby on Rails or .NET. In addition to that, the Jenkins concepts, installation, best practices, and administration, remain the same irrespective of the technology stack you use.