Web Design Blueprints

What this book covers

Chapter 1, Responsive Web Design, discusses responsive elements, layouts, media, typography, and navigation. It provides the elements to create a good starter template for a responsive website. It discusses RWD basics, the user agent, the media query, responsive images with CSS, responsive images with SRCSET, responsive video, responsive typography, responsive layouts, and responsive menus with CSS and JavaScript.

Chapter 2, Flat UI, teaches you flat user interfaces: what they are, the changes in them, and using color schemes. This chapter takes you through creating a responsive Flat UI layout you can use.

Chapter 3, Parallax Scrolling, begins with taking elements from the two previous chapters and creating a Parallax Scrolling website using modern web elements and graphics.

Chapter 4, Single Page Applications, takes the flat UI layout and turns it into a real dynamic single-page application using nothing but plain vanilla JavaScript.

Chapter 5, The Death Star Chapter, is a challenging boss-level chapter that takes a cumulative approach to all the subjects in the book by building a flat UI, multi-level parallax scrolling, interactive video game.