When I first started this journey of writing a Drupal 8 book, I thought to myself, "what could be so hard about that. Well, let me tell you?" Trying to catch up with every Alpha, Beta, and Release candidate was like chasing that third grade crush around the schoolyard. You were always able to catch her but then she would run again.
Speaking of crushes, I still have one on my beautiful wife. Without her even harder work, dedication, and support, this book would have not been possible. The long hours and lost time cannot be made up, but her smile always fills my heart. She is my friend, colleague in life, love, and spirit. Rebecca has allowed me to grow as an author and pursue the dream of putting my knowledge to pen and paper, even though she will tell you that I have been doing this for a while now ever since I wrote her the first poem. Well honey, I hope you enjoy this latest poem because it's finally published.
I also want to thank my two beautiful children, who while writing this book, have grown up a little bit more. My son Brendan makes me proud every day to be his father and friend. He is a young man in his own mind but always my little buddy, quickly on his way to becoming an Eagle Scout. The other one is my daughter Kayla who is getting ready to go off to college to pursue Graphic Design and just may write a book of her own some day. I definitely look forward to seeing you grow into the beautiful woman you will be.
I would like to thank Colin Panetta and Last Call Media for letting me use the great Drupal 8 chalkboard for the book cover.
I thank the Drupal community without whose support, I wouldn't be working with such an awesome content management framework.
I have to thank my colleagues. There are too many to name but without the absolutely great friends at Forum One I would have lost my mind writing this book: rock star developers, awe-inspiring designers, breathtaking UX, and amazing marketing. Not only is it the best place I have ever worked, we are always hiring!