About the Authors
Peter L. Newton gravitated toward computers at a young age. As his appetite for technology grew, web applications were his first exploration into development. The excitement of programming is what kept Peter ping further into different software designs and programming patterns. He is a self-taught programmer who has spent countless hours in reverse engineering assembly and arm instruction executables just for the joy of learning. Peter has several years of experience as a web developer, software developer, database architect, and hardware technician. His recent years were dedicated to the Virtual Reality/Gaming industry experience, working with such companies as Create, Sony Pictures, and the developers of Unreal Engine 4, Epic Games.
Peter's most recent VR project was Can You Walk The Walk?, which won Digital Hollywood's "Best In Virtual Reality Based on a Cinematic or Television Experience" award.
Thank you, readers, for your continued support in my AI adventures! I've created many tutorials, and because of your overwhelming response, I was reached out to by Epic Games, who requested my services as AI programmer. I've also made quite a few friends, such as Micheal Allar, Chance Ivey, Nick Whiting, Alexander Paschall, Yoeri, Jan, Pete, and many I'm likely to forget, and this is just to name a few. It has been an amazing few years! Living Epic!
Jie Feng is originally from Jiaxing, China. He is currently a PhD candidate at Columbia University, specializing in machine learning and computer vision. He has conducted research on problems ranging from detecting and recognizing objects in images and retrieving similar images from large-scale databases to understanding human behavior in videos. Jie's work has been published at top international conferences, and he has been granted a U.S. patent. He is also a software designer and developer and has worked at Microsoft, Amazon, and Adobe. Jie is passionate about applying Artificial Intelligence to real-world problems. His project using Microsoft Kinect to analyze motion for fitness has won People's Choice Award at Innovative Health Tech NYC competition, 2013. Jie is currently working on a fashion discovery product named EyeStyle.
Video games are the very thing that motivated him to study computer science. His favorite genre is action adventure. Titles including Resident Evil, Tomb Raider, and Uncharted inspire him in innovative thinking. This book is a unique experience for Jie to put his knowledge on Artificial Intelligence to game design and examine the potential of creating intelligent characters using Unreal Engine 4.
I would like to thank my parents for their unconditional love and support for my work and every decision I have made in my life. I feel lucky to have many talented people as my friends and colleagues, both in China and the U.S.. Last but not least, I want to express my appreciation to all game designers and developers out there for creating the fantasy world that inspires people and enriches their lives.