I would like to thank my family and friends for all the support they have given me with the book, for putting up with my late night sessions and all nighters, bearing my absence, and for giving me invaluable advice. I would like to thank my grandfather, Felix, for his advice and constant interest in this book and the projects I've been working on.
Special thanks to all my tutors from my university years for showing me the way to a professional career I love and for guiding me in choosing a path that would lead me to where I am now. From the open source community, I am thankful to everyone who has inspired me with their extreme intelligence, amazing ideas, and dedication. Last but not least, I've had the great pleasure to work with many smart people who taught me many things and have helped me learn so much.
Finally, I would like to thank the technical reviewer for his valuable feedback and pointers. Thanks to everyone at Packt Publishing for their hard work—without you this book wouldn't be possible.