Learning Unity iOS Game Development

What this book covers

Chapter 1, Requirements and Preparation Work, teaches you how to create an iTunes Developer account and the app with the settings for leaderboards, achievements, in-app purchases, and iAds. It also teaches you how to download and install Unity 5 in order to create a new 2D game project.

Chapter 2, Player Input for Mobile Devices, writes the C# code needed to both test inside of Unity 5 and take user input on the iOS device.

Chapter 3, Player Character, Obstacles, and Pickups, uses Unity 5 to create GameObjects that visually show a 2D sprite and animation before writing the C# code so that they are interactive in the scene.

Chapter 4, Editor Tool, Prefabs, and Game Level, uses the Unity 5 EditorWindow class and C# to write an editor tool that will help create the GameObjects that make up the game level before discussing how to create and use prefabs to put together the game level.

Chapter 5, Scene Background, the Game User Interface, and the Save Profile, writes a C# class that manages background sprite images before discussing the basics of the Unity 5 UI system and how to use the PlayerPrefs class to save game data.

Chapter 6, Main Menu, iAds, Leaderboards, Store Purchases, and Achievements, shows further development using the Unity 5 UI system to create the main menu and how to set up the main menu to show leaderboards and achievements, handle in-app purchasing, and display iAds to the device screen.

Chapter 7, Game Builds and Submission To Apple, creates a test build to play on your device before going through the process of creating a distribution build that you can then submit to Apple for review.