Julia's place among the other programming languages
Julia reconciles and brings together the technologies that before were considered separate, namely:
- The dynamic, untyped, and interpreted languages on the one hand (Python, Ruby, Perl, MATLAB/Octave, R, and so on)
- The statically typed and compiled languages on the other (C, C++, Fortran, and Fortress)
How can Julia have the flexibility of the first and the speed of the second category?
Julia has no static compilation step. The machine code is generated just-in-time by an LLVM-based JIT compiler. This compiler, together with the design of the language, helps Julia to achieve maximal performance for numerical, technical, and scientific computing. The key for the performance is the type information, which is gathered by a fully automatic and intelligent type inference engine, that deduces the type from the data contained in the variables. Indeed, because Julia has a dynamic type system, declaring the type of variables in the code is optional. Indicating types is not necessary, but it can be done to document the code, improve tooling possibilities, or in some cases, to give hints to the compiler to choose a more optimized execution path. This optional typing discipline is an aspect it shares with Dart. Typeless Julia is a valid and useful subset of the language, similar to traditional dynamic languages, but it nevertheless runs at statically compiled speeds. Julia applies generic programming and polymorphic functions to the limit, writing an algorithm just once and applying it to a broad range of types. This provides common functionality across drastically different types, for example: size
is a generic function with 50 concrete method implementations. A system called dynamic multiple dispatch efficiently picks the optimal method for all of a function's arguments from tens of method definitions. Depending on the actual types very specific and efficient native code implementations of the function are chosen or generated, so its type system lets it align closer with primitive machine operations.
However, do keep in mind that types are not statically checked. Exceptions due to type errors can occur at runtime, so thorough testing is mandatory. As to categorizing Julia in the programming language universe, it embodies multiple paradigms, such as procedural, functional, metaprogramming, and also (but not fully) object oriented. It is by no means an exclusively class-based language such as Java, Ruby, or C#. Nevertheless, its type system offers a kind of inheritance and is very powerful. Conversions and promotions for numeric and other types are elegant, friendly, and swift, and user-defined types are as fast and compact as built-in types. As for functional programming, Julia makes it very easy to design programs with pure functions and has no side effects; functions are first-class objects, as in mathematics.
Julia also supports a multiprocessing environment based on a message passing model to allow programs to run via multiple processes (local or remote) using distributed arrays, enabling distributed programs based on any of the models for parallel programming.
Julia is equally suited for general programming as is Python. It has as good and modern (Unicode capable) string processing and regular expressions as Perl or other languages. Moreover, it can also be used at the shell level, as a glue language to synchronize the execution of other programs or to manage other processes.
Julia has a standard library written in Julia itself, and a built-in package manager based on GitHub, which is called Metadata, to work with a steadily growing collection of external libraries called packages. It is cross platform, supporting GNU/Linux, Darwin/OS X, Windows, and FreeBSD for both x86/64 (64-bit) and x86 (32-bit) architectures.