What this book covers
Chapter 1, Getting Started with NFC, covers the basic steps to create an NFC-enabled application by defining the minimum requirements and the first lines of code needed to use NFC. This chapter also covers how to set up a virtual test environment using Open NFC for an Android add-on.
Chapter 2, Detecting a Tag, introduces readers to the detection, interception, and filtering of NFC intents, using the Foreground Dispatch System and intent filters. A technical overview of the different types of tags and a series of practical examples explains how you could go about doing this.
Chapter 3, Writing Tag Content, covers the introduction to the NDEF records by explaining how this format is useful and the different possible usages. This chapter provides practical working examples that demonstrate the correct NDEF usage.
Chapter 4, Writing Tag Content – Real-life Examples, provides more detailed examples on writing different content to NFC tags by providing working application prototypes.
Chapter 5, Reading Tag Content, introduces the reading of an NFC tag content and how to handle different types of content.
Chapter 6, Reading Tag Content – Real-life Examples, covers more detailed examples on reading tag content. At the end of every recipe, a working application is created to provide insight into the NFC capabilities.
Chapter 7, Sharing Content across Devices, covers a more advanced NFC feature, peer-to-peer communication. This chapter provides working application prototypes that demonstrate how the NFC peer-to-peer feature can be used in gaming and social networking applications.
Chapter 8, Error Handling and Content Validation, covers the basics on how to prevent the NFC application from crashing by correctly handling and preventing exceptions.
Chapter 9, Extending NFC, covers how NFC can be used to complement other Android features by providing practical working examples of applications that facilitate a user's interaction with the world.
Chapter 10, Real-life Examples – NFC Utilities, covers some tips on how to make the best use of an NFC tag. This chapter also provides a working application prototype to allow for a full-learning experience.