What you need for this book
You will need access to a single machine (VM) or multinode Hadoop cluster to execute the Pig scripts given in this book. It is expected that the tools needed to run Pig are configured. We have used Pig 0.11.0 to test the examples of this book, and it is highly recommended that you have this version installed.
The code for the UDFs in this book is written in different languages such as Java; therefore, it is advisable for you to have access to a machine with development tools (such as Eclipse) that you are comfortable with.
It is recommended to use Pig Pen (Eclipse plugin) on the developer's machine for developing and debugging Pig scripts.
Pig Pen can be downloaded from https://issues.apache.org/jira/secure/attachment/12456988/org.apache.pig.pigpen_0.7.5.jar.