What this book covers
Chapter 1, Worksheet, Data Management, and the Calculator, shows how to manage your datasets. We look at getting data into Minitab and at formatting tools, such as transposing or stacking data.
Chapter 2, Tables and Graphs, covers examples of creating graphs, and using some of the tabulation tools. The examples use bar charts, pareto charts, Tally, scatterplots, and more.
Chapter 3, Basic Statistical Tools, looks at the statistics in the basic statistics menu. We cover the use of the hypothesis test tools and look at chi-square tables.
Chapter 4, Using Analysis of Variance, covers the use of ANOVA from a simple one-way ANOVA, to general linear models, and to mixed effect models.
Chapter 5, Regression and Modeling the Relationship between X and Y, looks at how to use the regression tools. This covers the basic fitted-line plots before going into the more complex general regression tools using several predictors, model reduction tools, and binary logistic regression.
Chapter 6, Understanding Process Variation with Control Charts, shows how control charts are used to monitor the stability of a process. Here, we look at the use of the familiar Xbar-R, I-MR charts, and also go on to look at the more complex Laney control charts and rare event charts.
Chapter 7, Capability, Process Variation, and Specifications, looks at the tools used to assess a process to its specifications. We cover the use of normal and nonnormal data along with acceptance plans.
Chapter 8, Measurement Systems Analysis, covers the tools used to assess the quality of the measurement system. We look at the Gage R&R tools, including the expanded Gage R&R and attribute measurement studies.
Chapter 9, Multivariate Statistics, looks at the use of principal component analysis and factor analysis for reducing the number of variables or understanding associations in the data. Also, it covers cluster analysis tools, correspondence analysis, and discriminant analysis.
Chapter 10, Time Series Analysis, covers tools to fit to trends, seasonality, and then looks at what to use when no trends or seasonalities exist in the data.
Chapter 11, Macro Writing, looks at how to create simple macros and execs before it looks at the more complicated local macros.
Appendix, Navigating Minitab and Useful Shortcuts, lists navigating tools and useful shortcuts to be used in Minitab.