Mobile Security:How to Secure,Privatize,and Recover Your Devices

Protecting the corporations

Before we go too far, we need to define a few elements for you:

  • Corporate security policies
  • Corporate security procedures
  • Frontend network protection

Corporate security policies

Corporate security policies provide a best practice outline that can be implemented by a company to all their employees. These corporate policies help companies minimize risks and provide a framework on how to respond to security issues or incidents. Corporate security polices can include:

  • Rules on how employees connect to the corporate network
  • High-level network configuration information
  • Security definitions and descriptions on how security issues are managed

Corporate security procedures

Corporate security procedures provide details on how a security policy is implemented. One example is if a mobile device is lost then the company will execute a remote wipe on the device. A remote wipe can remove all the data on the device.

Frontend network protection

Frontend network devices are corporate network components that will help protect the company network from hackers. These frontend devices can help manage inbound Internet traffic and can also help manage smart device access.