What this book covers
Chapter 1, Best Practices with Imagery, will show two different types of imagery. It will help you understand the pros and cons of using either within the Prezi canvas. There are also useful tips on where to find imagery for your Prezi designs and how to create some of your own.
Chapter 2, Using Audio, teaches you how to add audio to your canvas and understand when this technique should and shouldn't be used. Audio can bring a whole new dimension to your Prezi designs. It will also make your Prezi very engaging for anyone viewing it online.
Chapter 3, Inserting a Video, explores the benefits of using video files that are stored offline or online. We will also look at how to create your own YouTube account to edit and manage your online video files.
Chapter 4, Approaching Your Prezi Design, will help you understand the most logical and time-saving way to approach your Prezi design. You'll see exactly why Mind Mapping and planning your Prezis are so important, and you'll also learn the three Prezi design steps to help you build perfect Prezis every time.
Chapter 5, Projecting Your Prezi, gives you some simple facts about projectors that you probably never knew before. With this new knowledge you'll understand why some of your Prezi designs don't look the same once projected onto a big screen. This is an extremely useful chapter that will help keep each and every frame of your Prezi design looking great.
Chapter 6, Prezis for Online Delivery, gives you some simple tips to help engage with your audience and keep them focused when exploring a Prezi on their own. Some of your Prezis will be accessed by colleagues and customers online. Because of this you'll need to take a slightly different approach and think about your audience a lot more.
Chapter 7, Importing Slides into Prezi, helps you understand the Insert PPT feature, and also gives great tips on how to truly turn linear slides into non-linear presentations. With PowerPoint being so dominant in business presentations for such a long time there's no doubt you'll need to Prezify slides for your organization.
Chapter 8, Prezi for iPad and Android, explains how to use the Prezi viewer for iPad, and also gives great advice on how to present using a tablet device. If you use an iPad or Android tablet for business, then why not use it to present new ideas to your colleagues and managers at work?
Chapter 9, Mastering the Newer Prezi Features, will help you master some of the newest Prezi features available as the Prezi software is improving all the time. In this chapter, you will learn how to make the most out of templates, customize shapes, group objects together, and much more.
Chapter 10, Prezi Meeting, will enable you and your colleagues to share ideas in an exciting and engaging way using Prezi Meeting. There are lots of step-by-step instructions on how to set up a meeting, and also useful tips to make sure the meetings you host stay focused and have meaning.
Chapter 11, Getting Prezi through the Door, explores some of the barriers you may face when introducing Prezi to your business. This is going to be just as hard as mastering the tool itself, but we've given you lots of useful tips to help get Prezi through the door and into the hands of your colleagues.