Creating Data Discovery work practice
The data discovery work practice outlines the data discovery phase of the project. The purpose of this work practice is to highlight the major deliverables/products and processes. The data discovery phase analyzes the sources of information in detail, to determine patterns, and also to determine the similarities and differences of the source systems. This is a very interactive and exploratory phase.
Getting ready
Before starting, it is important to have an understanding of your project methodology and determine the key roles that will be involved in the work practice.
How to do it...
Work practices are best created as a visual tool. To do this, start up a diagramming tool such as Microsoft Visio or Microsoft PowerPoint:
- In the diagramming application, create a new tab or slide called Data Discovery.
- On the diagram, create swimlanes. In each swimlane, add the key role.
- Step through this phase of the project logically, and add the key products/deliverables and processes.
- A sample data discovery work practice is shown in the following screenshot:
- Once you have created your products and processes, you will need to describe each of them.
For example, Source System Analysis identifies the key systems for the information, which are relevant to the project as well as the major information contained within each system.
- Once all the products and processes are described, you can determine the deliverables for each product and the role responsible for delivering it, based on the swimlane.
For example, the deliverable for Source System Analysis is the document outlining key source system information prepared by the Technical Architect.
How it works...
Work practices give members of the project a quick and easy way to understand the flow of activities within the phase, and all the deliverables required with the phase.
There's more...
Gathering information can become tedious and time-consuming. Consider using a survey tool to gather and consolidate information, for example:
- Survey Monkey
- Survey Gizmo
- SharePoint
- Excel
These tools are generally inexpensive, already available within the environment, and provide an effective, unobtrusive way to gather initial information. Be familiar with your company's information security policy before using external applications.