Moodle 2.0 Course Conversion(Second Edition)

Time for action – putting files where we want them

Moving files is a two-stage process. Firstly, we need to select the files we want to move. Then, we need to choose the place we want to move them to. Press the Manage my private files button to start the process:

  1. Select the files you want to move by clicking on the context menu icon next to the file's name, then select Move… from the menu:
    Time for action – putting files where we want them
  2. The Moving dialog is displayed. Select the folder you are moving your file to by clicking on it, in my case Handouts. Make sure you double-click the folder to select it:
    Time for action – putting files where we want them
  3. Press the Move button. You've now moved the files to the right place!
    Time for action – putting files where we want them

What just happened?

Not only do we know how to get a file uploaded onto the system but we know how to get things arranged so that we can easily find files. Of course, it makes more sense to create the folder first and then upload directly into that—rather than uploading your resources and then attempting to get everything arranged.

Even though I'm uploading the files to My private files area and our teaching colleagues don't have direct access to this, it's worth noting that our colleagues can get access to copies of these files (we'll be learning how later in this chapter).

Let's end this section by looking briefly at how you could organize your private files and what might be considered appropriate naming conventions for folders and files. Firstly, I've created folders for the courses I teach on. Within the Backyard Ballistics folder I've chosen to put all of my handouts in a Handouts folder:

What just happened?

Instead, you might want to organize your files into folders named 'Week 1', 'Week 2' or 'Topic 1', 'Topic 2', and so on, depending on whether your course is set to weekly or topics format. That way you can quickly identify which files need to be placed in which topics/weeks. Creating a handouts folder would be good if you are re-using the same resources in different weeks/topics. Again, it depends on how many files people have to upload.