II Lead-In
1 Reasons for choosing English as your major
Time to Think!
Why did you choose a foreign language—English as your major?
• Write down two reasons for choosing English as your major.
• Compare your reasons with a partner. Did you follow your heart when you chose it?
2 Benefits of learning a foreign language
Time to Discuss!
Work in small groups and discuss what in the following are the three most important benefits of learning a foreign language?
• It makes a person more open-minded and more appreciative of people and cultures that are different.
• It builds up self-confidence and makes a person more attractive.
• It increases one’s career potentials.
• It helps a person develop a better understanding of his native language and culture.
• It renders a person more flexible in his/her way of looking at and solving a problem.
• Learning a completely new language system boosts one’s brain power.
• It strengthens one’s memory.
• Some research findings suggest that it stalls the onset of Alzheimer’s disease.
3 Listen to the song “Do-Re-Mi” from the movie The Sound of Music
Let’s start at the very beginning
A very good place to start
When you read you begin with ABC
When you sing you begin with Do, Re, Mi, Do, Re, Mi
The first three notes just happen to be
Do, Re, Mi, Do, Re, Mi
Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Te
Oh let’s see if I can make it easier
Do (Doe) —A deer, a female deer
Re (Ray) —A drop of golden sun
Mi (Me) —A name I call myself
Fa (Far) —A long, long way to run
So (Sew) —A needle pulling thread
La—A note to follow so
Te (Tea) —A drink with jam and bread
That will bring us back to doe oh-oh-oh
Time to Share!
In the song, Maria, the governess, was teaching the children she tutored how to sing. She made it easy for them in her unique way. What inspirations does it give you about English language learning?