4.2 水土保持 Water and soil conservation
(1)通用 General
水土流失 soil erosion and water loss
水损失 water loss
水土流失类型 type of soil erosion and water loss
水土流失区 region of soil erosion and water loss
水土流失面积 area of soil erosion and water loss
容许土壤流失量 soil loss tolerance
水土保持措施 soil and water conservation measures
水土保持设施 soil and water conservation facilities
水土流失综合治理 comprehensive control of soil erosion and water loss
水土保持生态环境建设 soil and water conservation for ecological environment rehabilitation
小流域 small watershed
小流域综合治理 comprehensive management of small watershed
土壤侵蚀 soil erosion
土壤侵蚀类型 type of soil erosion
土壤侵蚀规律 mechanism of soil erosion
侵蚀营力 erosion force
自然侵蚀 natural erosion
常态侵蚀 normal erosion
人为侵蚀 erosion caused by human activities
水力侵蚀 water erosion
面蚀 surface erosion
沟蚀 gully erosion
淋溶侵蚀 leaching erosion
暴雨侵蚀 storm erosion
波浪侵蚀 wave erosion
溯源侵蚀 headward erosion
风力侵蚀 wind erosion
冻融侵蚀 freeze-thaw erosion
重力侵蚀 gravitational erosion
混合侵蚀 mixed erosion
磨蚀 abrasion
塌坡 slope collapse
沟道密度 gully density
土地沙化 land desertification
草场退化 grassland degradation
荒漠化 desertification
风沙流 sand air current
土壤侵蚀程度 soil erosion degree
土壤侵蚀强度 soil erosion intensity
土壤侵蚀量 amount of soil erosion
土壤流失量 amount of soil loss
土壤侵蚀模数 soil erosion modulus
土壤通气不良 defective soil aeration
流域产沙量 watershed sediment yield
流域输沙量 amount of sediment delivery
冲沙流量 sediment flushing flow
(2)规划设计与试验研究 Planning and testing research
土壤侵蚀分区 soil erosion zoning
水土保持区划 soil and water conservation regionalization
水土保持规划 soil and water conservation planning
土地利用规划 land use planning
土地适宜性评价 land suitability assessment
可治理面积 erosion area suitable to control
水土流失治理面积 area of water and soil conservation
水土流失治理程度 erosion control ratio
防风固沙 windbreak and sand-shifting control
可耕地 arable land
基本农田 capital farmland
坝地 farmland formed in silt storage dam
源头坝 watershed dam
绿化 afforestation
造林密度 density of plantation
造林存活率 survival rate of afforestation
枯枝落叶层 litter layer
郁闭度 crown density
植被覆盖率 vegetation cover ratio
水土保持效益 soil and water conservation benefit
水土保持生态效益 ecological benefit of soil and water conservation
水土保持经济效益 economic benefit of soil and water conservation
水土保持社会效益 social benefit of soil and water conservation
蓄水保土效益 water detention and soil conservation benefit
水土流失观测 observation of soil erosion and water loss
径流小区观测 observation of runoff plot
模拟降雨试验 simulated rainfall experiment
标准径流小区 standard runoff plot
天然坡面径流场 natural runoff plot
土壤侵蚀模型 soil erosion model
小流域产流模型 runoff-yield model of small watershed
降雨侵蚀指数 rainfall erosion index
土壤抗蚀性 soil erosion resistance
土壤侵蚀速率 soil erosion rate
(3)预防监督与管理 Prevention,supervision and management
水土流失预防 prevention of soil erosion and water loss
水土保持监督 soil and water conservation supervision
水土流失重点防治区划分 zoning of critical prevention and control areas of soil erosion and water loss
重点预防保护区 important protection zone
重点监督区 important supervision zone
重点治理区 important rehabilitation zone
水土保持方案 soil and water conservation program
禁止开垦坡度 critical cultivation slope
退耕还林还草 grain-for-green project
水土流失监测 monitoring of soil and water conservation
山洪易发区 susceptible area of mountain torrent
泥石流易发区 susceptible area of debris flow
滑坡易发区 hazardous area of landslide
滑坡泥石流监测预警 monitoring and forecasting of landslide and debris flow
(4)综合治理 Comprehensive control
工程措施 structural measure,engineering measure
坡面治理工程 slope treatment for erosion control
梯田 terrace
水平梯田 bench terrace
坡式梯田 sloping terrace
隔坡梯田 interval terrace
反坡梯田 back-slope terrace
坡面截流沟 water intercepting and drainage ditch on the slope
水平沟 level ditch
水平阶 horizontal stage
鱼鳞坑 fish-scale pit
造林整地 land preparation for afforestation
固坡工程 slope stabilization project
护坡工程 slope protection works
坡面水系工程 slope water works
坡面集雨工程 rainfall harvesting works on the slope
沟道治理工程 gully erosion control works
沟边埂 ridge along gully
沟头防护工程 protective works of gully head
淤地坝 check dam for farmland forming
拦沙坝 sediment trapping dam
水坠坝 sluicing-siltation earth dam
河道治理 river training(improvement)
治沟骨干工程 key project for gully erosion control
沟道蓄水工程 water storage works in gully
蓄水池 water storage pool
沉淀池 sedimentation basin
拦渣工程 tailing hold structure
泥石流防治工程 debris flow control works
植物措施 vegetation measure
水土保持林 forest for soil and water conservation
水源涵养林 forest for water resources conservation
农田防护林 shelter-belt on farmland
农田林网 forest net in farmland
河岸林地 riparian woodland
等高植物篱 contour living hedgerow
挂网喷草 spraying grass seeds with net
封禁治理 closing hillside for erosion control
水土保持耕作措施 agricultural measure for soil and water conservation
等高耕作 contour tillage
沟垄耕作 furrow-ridge tillage
覆盖种植 covering cultivation
带状间作 strip intercropping
草田轮作 grass and crop rotation
少数民族 ethnic minorities