第5章 水工建筑物 Hydraulic structures
5.1 通用 General
(1)结构可靠性设计 Reliability design
可靠性指标 reliability index
水工结构可靠度设计 design of reliability of hydraulic structure
结构目标可靠性指标 structure target reliability index
概率极限状态设计原则 principles of probabilistic theory and limit states design
水工建筑物结构安全级别 safety level of hydraulic structure
水工结构可靠度水平 reliability level of hydrostructure
设计基准期 design reference period
结构抗力 structural resistance
抗力的变异系数 coefficient of variation of resistance
分项系数 partial safety factor
分项系数设计 limit states design with partial coef-ficient
结构重要性系数 coefficient of structure importance,importance factor of structure
设计状况系数 coefficient of design situation
材料性能分项系数 partial factor of material properties
作用分项系数 partial factor for action
作用效应 action effect
结构的权系数 weight coefficient of structure
随机特性 stochastic characteristic
随机变量 stochastic variable
随机变量设计验算点 design checking point of stochastic variable
随机变量当量正态分布 equivalent normal distribution of stochastic variable
抗力分项系数 partial factor for resistance
结构系数 structure partial factor
可靠概率 probability of survival
失效概率 probability of failure
概率分布 probability distribution
概率分布模型 probability distribution model
概率密度函数 probability density function
概率分布函数 probability distribution function
分位值 tantile
标准正态分布概率密度函数 probability mass function of the standard normal distribution
标准正态分布的反函数 inverse function of the standard normal distribution
随机变量的数学期望值 mathematical expectation value of stochastic variable
功能限值 limit value of function
统计参数 statistical parameter
一次二阶矩法 first-order second-moment method
作用的随机特性 stochastic characteristics of actions
结构分析 structural analysis
结构构件 structural member
结构体系 structural system
结构模型 structural model
本构关系 constitutive relation
计算模式不定性 uncertainties of calculation model
长期组合系数 coefficient of long-term combination
正态分布 normal distribution
对数正态分布 logarithmic normal distribution
极值Ⅰ型分布 extreme value type Ⅰ distribution
设计使用年限 design working life,design service life
基本变量 basic variables
极限状态方程 limit state equation
超越概率 exceeding probability
校准法 calibration
定值设计法 deterministic method
容许应力法 permissible(allowable) stress method
单一安全系数法 single safety factor method
安全裕度 safety margin
概率设计法 probabilistic method
反馈设计 feedback design
极限状态 limit states
分项系数极限状态设计 limit states design with partial coefficients
承载能力极限状态 ultimate limit states
正常使用极限状态 serviceability limit states
不可逆正常使用极限状态 irreversible serviceability limit states
可逆正常使用极限状态 reversible serviceability limit states
设计状况 design situations
持久状况 persistent situation
短暂状况 transient situation
偶然状况 accidental situation
地震状况 seismic situation
全生命周期 total life cycle
(2)荷载及组合 Load and combination
永久作用(荷载) permanent action (load)
可变作用(荷载) variable action (load)
偶然作用 accidental action
可控制的可变荷载 governable variable load
基本组合 basic (fundamental)combination
偶然组合 accidental combination
作用的代表值 representative value of an action
作用的标准值 characteristic value of an action
可变作用的伴随值 accompanying value of a variable action
可变作用的组合值 combination value of a variable action
可变作用的频遇值 frequent value of a variable action
可变作用的准永久值 quasi-permanent value of a variable action
作用的设计值 design value of an action
作用的地震组合 seismic combination
标准组合 characteristic combination,nominal combination
作用的频遇组合 frequent combinations
作用的准永久组合 quasi-permanent combinations
水力系数 hydraulic factor
单荷载系数法 single load factor method
无系数荷载 unfactored load
单个作用 single action
时变效应 time-dependent effect
建筑物自重 dead load of structure
水压力 water pressure
静水压强 hydrostatic pressure intensity
绝对压强 absolute pressure
相对压强 relative pressure
负压 negative pressure
真空度 vacuity
压强水头 pressure head
位置水头 potential head
势能 potential energy
等压面 equi-pressure surface
内水压力 internal water pressure
外水压力 external water pressure
外水压强 external water pressure intensity
外水压力作用水头 acting water head of external water pressure
扬压力 uplift pressure
全水头扬压力 full uplift pressure
浮托力 buoyancy force
渗流压力 seepage pressure
残余扬压力 residual uplift pressure
渗透压力强度系数 coefficient of seepage pressure intensity
扬压力强度系数 coefficient of uplift pressure intensity
残余扬压力强度系数 coefficient of residual uplift pressure intensity
扬压力分布图 distribution diagram of uplift pressure
渗透压力分布图 distribution diagram of seepage pressure
压力梯度 pressure gradient
流场 stream field
流速 flow velocity
流量 flow rate
水力比降(水力坡度) hydraulic gradient(slope)
动水压强 hydrodynamic pressure
时均压力 time-average pressure
脉动压力 fluctuating pressure
水锤压力 water hammer pressure
渐变流时均压力 time-average pressure of gradually varied flow
反弧段水流离心力 flow centrifugal force on
reverse curve section
水流对尾槛的冲击力 impact force of flow on end sill
静水头 hydrostatic head
重力场 gravitational field
垂直均布压力 vertical uniform pressure
水平均布压力 horizontal uniform pressure
土压力 earth pressure
静止土压力 earth pressure at rest,static earth pressure
主动土压力 active earth pressure
被动土压力 passive earth pressure
垂直土压力 vertical earth pressure
侧向土压力 lateral earth pressure
土与结构相互作用 soil-structure interaction(SSI)
围压 confining pressure
持力层 bearing stratum
受力层,压缩层 compression zone
淤沙压力 silt pressure
风荷载 wind load
基本风压 basic wind pressure,reference wind pressure
风振 wind-induced vibration
风振系数 wind vibration coefficient
地面粗糙度 terrain roughness
风压高度变化系数 variation coefficient of wind pressure with height
风荷载体形系数 wind load shape coefficient
雪荷载 snow load
基本雪压 basic snow pressure,reference snow pressure
积雪分布系数 coefficient of snow accumulation distribution
冰压力 ice pressure
冻胀力 frost heaving force(pressure)
静冰压力 static ice pressure
动冰压力 dynamic ice pressure
切线冻胀力 tangential frost heaving force
水平冻胀力 horizontal frost heaving force
竖向冻胀力 vertical frost heaving force
浪压力(波浪力) wave pressure,wave force
剩余浪压力强度 residual wave pressure intensity
波浪反压力强度 wave counter pressure intensity
恒荷载 dead load
活荷载 live load
等效均布活荷载 equivalent uniform live load
可移动的局部荷载 movable partial load
可移动的集中荷载 movable concentrated load
侧向荷载 lateral load
重复荷载 repeated load
双向偏心受压 biaxial eccentric compression
扭转结构 twisted structure
扭转效应 torsional effect
试载扭转分析法 trial-load twist method of analysis
荷载分布 load distribution
荷载工况 load case
运行与检修荷载 operation and maintenance loads
动力系数 dynamic coefficient
线分布力 force per unit length
面分布力 force per unit area
体分布力 force per unit volume
固定作用 fixed action
自由作用 free action
静态作用 static action
动态作用 dynamic action
多次重复作用 repeated action,cyclic action
低频反复作用 low-frequency cyclic action
温度作用 temperature action(effect),thermal action
温度场的变化 variation of temperature field
热膨胀系数 coefficient of thermal expansion
基本气温 reference air temperature
初始温度 initial temperature
边界温度 boundary temperature
环境温度 ambient temperature
地震作用 seismic action
爆炸作用 explosion action
船舶撞击力 ship impact force
船舶挤靠力 ship breasting force
船舶系缆力 mooring force
启门力 lifting force
闭门力 closing force
持住力 holding force
地基反力系数 coefficient of subgrade reaction
浅基础 shallow footing
深基础 deep footing
板式基础 slab footing
筏基础 raft footing
格栅基础 grill footing
箱形基础 box footing
地基承载力的临塑荷载 critical edge load of foundation bearing capacity
地基承载力的临界荷载 critical load of foundation bearing capacity
地基承载力的极限荷载 ultimate load of foundation bearing capacity
地基变形容许值 allowable foundation deformation
地基承载力特征值 characteristic value of foundation bearing capacity
极限承载力 ultimate bearing capacity
允许承载力 allowable bearing capacity
地基刚度 stiffness of foundation
(3)水工混凝土结构设计 Design of hydraulic concrete structures
混凝土结构 concrete structure
素混凝土结构 plain concrete structure
钢筋混凝土结构 reinforced concrete structure
预应力混凝土结构 prestressed concrete structure
先张法预应力混凝土结构 pretensioned prestressed concrete structure
后张法预应力混凝土结构 post-tensioned prestressed concrete structure
无黏结预应力混凝土结构 unbonded prestressed concrete structure
有黏结预应力混凝土结构 bonded prestressed concrete structure
矩形横截面形状构件 rectangular cross-sectional shape member
最大压缩应变纤维 fiber of maximum compressive strain
水平梁单元 beam element
深梁 deep beam
简支梁 free beam,simple beam
悬臂梁 cantilever
无约束悬臂梁 free cantilever
静定梁 statically determinate beam
超静定梁 statically indeterminate beam
深受弯构件 deep flexural member
相对受压区计算高度 relative calculation depth of compression zone
剪跨比 ratio of shear span to effective depth(shear span to depth ratio)
宽高比 aspect ratio
截面抵抗矩的塑性系数 ratio of plastic moment to elastic moment
弹性模量 elastic modulus
剪切模量 shear modulus
持续弹性模量 sustained modulus of elasticity
瞬时弹性模量 instantaneous modulus of elasticity
混凝土泊松比 Poisson's ratio of concrete
日照辐射热 radiant heat of sunshine
导热系数 thermal conductivity
导温系数,散热系数 thermal diffusivity
线热胀系数 linear expansion coefficient
等效放热系数 equivalent coefficient of heat evolution
混凝土的比热 specific heat of concrete
混凝土拉应力限制系数 coefficient for limiting concrete tensile stress
混凝土局部受压时的强度提高系数 coefficient of strength increase for partially compressed concrete
剪扭构件混凝土受扭承载力降低系数 coefficient of torsion capacity reduction for concrete member in shear and torsion
受拉区混凝土塑性影响系数 plastic influence coefficient of concrete in tension zone
塑性矩 plastic moment
弹性矩 elastic moment
配筋率 reinforcement ratio
体积配筋率 volumetric reinforcement ratio
竖向分布钢筋 vertically distributed bar
水平分布钢筋 horizontally distributed bar
纵向受拉钢筋 longitudinal tensile rebar
轴心受压构件的稳定系数 stability coefficient of axial compressed member
构件承载能力 bearing capacity of member
抗裂 crack resistance
裂缝宽度控制 crack width control
结构力学法 structural mechanics method
弹性力学法 elastic mechanics method
截面内力 sectional internal force
轴心受拉构件 axial tensile member
小偏心受拉构件 tensile member with a small eccentricity
裂缝宽度限值 allowable value of maximum crack width
裂缝控制等级 crack control class
受弯构件的挠度限值 allowable deflection of flexural member
悬臂构件的挠度限值 allowable deflection value of cantilever member
强度设计法 ultimate strength method
工作应力法 working stress method
混凝土强度等级 strength class(grade)of concrete
混凝土轴心抗压强度标准值 characteristic value of concrete axis compressive strength
混凝土轴心抗拉强度标准值 characteristic value of concrete axis tensile strength
混凝土轴心抗压强度设计值 design value of concrete axis compressive strength
混凝土轴心抗拉强度设计值 design value of concrete axis tensile strength
钢筋强度标准值 characteristic value of rebar strength
钢筋强度设计值 design value of rebar strength
线弹性分析 linear-elastic analysis
非线性分析 non-linear analysis
杆件体系 member system
非杆件体系 non-member system
构件刚度 stiffness of structural member
塑性分析 plastic analysis
混凝土受压构件 concrete member in compression
混凝土受弯构件 concrete member in bending
正截面承载力 bearing capacity of normal section
斜截面承载力 bearing capacity of oblique section
受弯承载力 flexural bearing capacity
受压承载力 compression bearing capacity
受扭承载力 torsion bearing capacity
受冲切承载力 punch shear bearing capacity
局部受压承载力 local compression bearing capacity
局部破坏 local damage
正截面抗裂计算 crack-resisting calculation for normal section
正截面裂缝宽度控制 crack width control in normal section
非杆件体系结构裂缝控制 crack control of non-member system
张拉控制应力限值 allowable value of tension stress control
预应力损失 prestress loss
混凝土干缩影响 influence of concrete drying shrinkage
黏结强度 bond strength
握裹力 bond stress
结构缝 structural joint
伸缩缝 expansion joint
沉降缝 settlement joint
施工缝 construction joint
混凝土保护层 concrete cover
钢筋连接 splice reinforcement
预制构件的接头形式 connection type of a precast member
搭接接头 lapped splices
对接接头 butt splices
机械对接 mechanical butt splicing
单向连续板 one-way continuous slab
多跨单向板 one-way slab with multispans
加肋板 ribbed slab
双向平板,四边支承楼板 two-way flat slab
锚定梁 anchor beam
箱梁 box beam
固端梁 built-in beam,fixed end beam
组合梁 built-up beam,compound beam
共轭梁 conjugate beam
框架梁 frame beam
框架横梁 spanning member
暗梁 concealed beam
薄腹梁 thin-webbed beam
轴心受压柱 axial compression column
轴向受力柱 axial loaded column
框架柱 frame column
桁架拱 truss arch
双柱式墩 queen-post supporting pier
排架桩墩 bent pile pier
板中弯起钢筋的弯起角 bent-up angle of bent-up rebars in the slab
分布钢筋 distribution rebar
现浇板 cast-in-situ concrete slab
受扭构件 torsion member
抗扭箍筋 torsion stirrup
偏心受压构件 eccentric compressed member
连续梁中间支座 intermediate support of continuous beam
水平梁单元的支座 abutment of a beam element
框架梁中间节点 intermediate nodes of frame beam
剪力墙 shear wall
叠合式受弯构件 composite flexural member
柱牛腿(独立牛腿) bracket
墙牛腿(壁式牛腿) corbel
弧形闸门支座 support of radial gate
预应力混凝土闸墩 prestressed concrete pier
钢筋混凝土蜗壳 reinforced concrete spiral case
钢筋混凝土尾水管 reinforced concrete draft tube
钢筋混凝土框架 reinforced concrete frame
框架梁柱节点 beam-column nodes in frame
铰接排架柱 hinged bent column
排架 bent frame
柱下独立基础 independent footing under column
桥跨结构 bridge span structure
受拉力控制截面 section controlled by tension
受压力控制截面 section controlled by compression
混凝土收缩 shrinkage of concrete
混凝土徐变 creep of concrete
混凝土碳化 carbonation of concrete
二期混凝土 phase Ⅱ concrete
轴向力 normal force,axial force
正应力 normal stress
主应力 principal stress
次应力 secondary stress
剪应力 shear stress;tangential stress
抗剪强度 shear strength
抗剪阻力 shear resistance
剪胀性 dilatancy
侧向挠度 lateral deflection
侧向收缩 lateral contraction
侧向压力 lateral pressure
侧向应变 lateral strain
重复应力 repeated stress
附加扰力 additional disturbing force
附加应力(叠加应力) superimposed stress
局部应力 local stress
压曲临界荷载 buckling load
压曲稳定性 buckling stability
压实系数 compaction coefficient
永久变形 permanent deformation
整体稳定 overall stability
轴向荷载 axial load
轴心受压承载力 load-carrying capacity in compression
侧向稳定 lateral stability
附加荷载 additional load
循环应力 cycle stress
预应力 prestress
外加变形 imposed deformation
约束变形 restrained deformation
线应变 linear strain
剪应变 shear strain,tangential strain
主应变 principal strain
极限应变 ultimate strain
屈服强度 yield strength
疲劳强度 fatigue strength
侧移刚度 lateral displacement stiffness
结构的整体稳固性 structural integrity,structural robustness
连续倒塌 progressive collapse
极限变形 ultimate deformation
空间工作性能 spatial behavior
脆性破坏 brittle failure
延性破坏 ductile failure
计算高度 effective height
净高 net height
截面面积矩 first moment of area of section
截面惯性矩 second moment of area of section,moment of inertia of section
截面极惯性矩 polar second moment of area of section,polar moment of inertia of section
截面模量 sectional modulus
截面回转半径 radius of gyration of section
偏心距 eccentricity
偏心率 relative eccentricity
净跨度 net span
矢高 rise
长细比 slenderness ratio
钢筋间距 spacing of bars
箍筋肢距 spacing of stirrup legs
环境作用 environmental action
室内正常环境 normal indoor environment
室内潮湿环境 indoor damp environment
露天环境 outdoor environment
长期水下环境 permanently under water environment
弱腐蚀环境 weak corrosive environment
中等腐蚀环境 moderate erosive environment
强腐蚀环境 severe erosive environment
盐雾作用区 salty fog acting zone
海水浪溅区 seawater spraying zone
水位变动区 water level fluctuating zone
劣化 degradation
劣化模型 degradation model
结构耐久性 structure durability
氯离子在混凝土中的扩散系数 chloride diffusion coefficient of concrete
混凝土抗冻耐久性指数 durability factor of concrete (DF)
可修复性 restorability
(4)水工建筑物抗震设计 Aseismatic design of hydraulic structures
基本烈度 basic seismic intensity
设计烈度 design seismic intensity
抗震设防标准 seismic fortification criterion
地震烈度 seismic intensity
抗震设防要求 seismic precautionary requirement
抗震设防烈度 seismic fortification intensity
抗震设防区 seismic precautionary zone
综合抗震能力 comprehensive aseismic capability
抗震安全性 aseismatic safety
地震动 ground motion
地震动峰值加速度 ground motion peak acceleration
设计地震加速度 design seismic acceleration
地震作用效应 seismic action effect
地震液化 earthquake-induced liquefaction
设计反应谱 design response spectra
地表加速度峰值 peak ground acceleration (PGA)
最大可信地震 maximum credible earthquake (MCE)
运行基本地震 operating basis earthquake (OBE)
最大设计地震 maximum design earthquake (MDE)
震动卓越周期 predominant period of vibration
标准地面运动分析 standard ground motion analysis
地震的方向分量 earthquake directional components
动力法 dynamic method
拟静力法 pseudo-static method
时程分析法 time history method
振型分解法 mode-superposition method
平方和方根法 square root of sum square method
完全二次型方根法 complete quadric combination method
地震动水压力 seismic water pressure
地震动土压力 seismic earth pressure
地震作用的效应折减系数 reduction coefficient of seismic action effect
特征周期 characteristic period
振动 vibration
振幅 amplitude of vibration
振型 mode of vibration
共振 resonance
阻尼 damp
重力加速度 acceleration of gravity
频率 frequency
自振频率,固有频率 natural frequency
自振周期 natural period of vibration
自由度 degree of freedom
土层剪切波速 shear-wave velocity of soil layer
整体剪切破坏 general-shear failure
可液化土层 potential liquefaction soil layer
水平向地震作用 horizontal seismic action
竖向地震作用 vertical seismic action
地震惯性力 seismic inertia force
场地类别 site category
坝面附加质量 added mass at dam face
抗震措施 aseismatic measure
抗震计算 aseismatic checking
防震缝 aseismatic joint
设计地震动 design ground motion
多遇地震 frequently occurred earthquake,low level earthquake
设防地震 precautionary earthquake
罕遇地震 rare earthquake,high-level earthquake
运行安全地震动 operational safety ground motion
极限安全地震动 ultimate safety ground motion
设计基本地震加速度 design basic acceleration of ground motion
地震影响系数曲线 seismic effect coefficient curve
设计地震动特征周期 design characteristic period of ground motion
基本周期 fundamental period
结构动力特性 dynamic properties of structure
抗震等级 seismic grade
抗震概念设计 seismic concept design
抗震构造措施 structural details of seismic design
结构抗震性能 earthquake resistant behavior of structure
基本振型 fundamental mode of vibration
结构影响系数 influential coefficient of structure
位移放大系数 displacement magnification factor
位移延性系数 displacement ductility ratio
内力调整系数 adjustment coefficient of internal force
弹性抗震设计 seismic elasticity design
延性抗震设计 seismic ductility design
基于性能的抗震设计 performance-based seismic design
基于位移的抗震设计 displacement-based seismic design
基于能量的抗震设计 energy-based seismic design
抗震结构整体性 integral behavior of aseismatic structure
结构振动控制 structural vibration control
消能减震 energy dissipation and earthquake response reduction
阻尼器 damper
隔震 seismic isolation
隔震装置 isolation device
抗震鉴定 seismic appraisal
抗震加固 seismic strengthening
溃坝分析 dam break study
增量危害评估 incremental hazard evaluation
大坝失事后果 consequences of dam failure
潜在的下游危害 downstream hazard potential
潜在破坏面 potential failure surface
临界破坏面 critical failure surface
抗倾覆稳定 stability against overturning
抗倾覆验算 overturning resistance analysis
倾覆力矩 overturning moment
抵抗力矩 resisting moment
简化楔体 simplified wedge method
疲劳验算 fatigue analysis
稳定计算 stability calculation
滑移验算 slip resistance analysis
变形验算 deformation analysis
工程类比、经验类比 project analogue
(5)水工建筑物抗冰冻设计 Design of
hydraulic structure against ice and freezing
最大冻土深度 maximum frozen soil depth
季节冻土 seasonally frozen ground
季节冻结深度 depth of seasonal freezing
地基土设计冻深 design freezing depth of foundation
封冻 complete freezing
冻结指数 freezing index
冻胀量 amount of frost-heaving
地表冻胀量 amount of frost-heaving of ground surface
冰情 ice regime
冻害 frost damage
冰盖 ice cover
冰坝 ice dam
武开江 ice breakup due to hydraulic and climatic effect