

第1章 综合 Common

水资源 water resources

水能资源 waterpower resources(hydropower resources)

水利工程(水资源工程) water resources project

水电工程 hydropower project(hydroelectric project)

发电系统 power generation system

输变电工程 power transmission and distribution project

水力发电设施 hydroelectric installations

工程规模 project scale(project size)

工程开发模式 project development mode

公私合作模式 public-privated-partnership(PPP)

工程开发任务 project development purposes

发电 power generation

防洪 flood control

供水 water supply

通航 navigation

灌溉 irrigation

防凌 ice control

减淤 desilting

渔业 fishery

旅游 tourism

休闲 recreation

工程勘测 engineering investigation

水工建筑物 hydraulic structure

安全监测 safety monitoring

水工金属结构 hydraulic steel structure

水力机械设备 hydraulic machinery

机电设备 electromechanical equipment

设备总成套 system equipment design and supply

工程施工 engineering construction

建设征地与移民安置 land requisition and resettlement

工程投资 project investment

建设管理 construction management

工程档案 project archives

供暖通风与空调 heating,ventilation and air conditioning(HVAC)

工业与民用建筑 industrial and civil architecture

消防 fire protection,fire control

给排水 water supply and sewerage system

工程造价 construction cost

水电工程等别 rank(scale)of hydropower project

水工建筑物级别 grade of hydraulic structure

设计安全标准 design safety standard

结构可靠度 structural reliability

挡水建筑物 water retaining structure

泄水建筑物 water release structure

输水系统 water conveyance system

通航建筑物 navigation structure

过鱼建筑物 fish pass structure

过木建筑物 log pass structure

开发方式 development scheme

坝式开发 dam type development

引水式开发 conduit type development

混合式开发 dam and conduit type development

河流梯级开发 cascade development

抽水蓄能开发 pumped storage development

跨流域开发 transbasin development,interbasin development

潮汐发电 tidal power

水电站 hydropower station

坝式水电站 dam type hydropower station

引水式水电站(引水道式水电站) conduit type hydropower station

坝后式水电站 hydropower station at dam-toe

坝内式水电站 hydropower station in dam

河床式水电站 water retaining type hydropower station,hydropower station in river channel

厂顶溢流式水电站 overflow hydropower station

地下式水电站 underground hydropower station

半地下式水电站 semi-underground hydropower station

径流式水电站 run-of-river hydropower station

短期调节水电站 pondage power station

蓄水式水电站 reservoir power station

梯级水电站 cascade hydropower station

潮汐水电站 tidal hydropower station

抽水蓄能电站 pumped storage power station

水电厂 hydropower plant

永久性建筑物 permanent structure

临时性建筑物 temporary structure

主要建筑物 main structure

次要建筑物 secondary structure

新建、扩建、改建 construction,extension and renovation

改造与增容 rehabilitation and upgrading

水库特征水位 characteristic levels of reservoir

校核洪水位 check flood level

设计洪水位 design flood level

防洪高水位 top level of flood control

防洪限制水位 low limit level during flood season

正常蓄水位 normal pool(storage)level

死水位 minimum operating level,dead water level

尾水位 tailwater level

水土保持 water and soil conservation

环境保护 environmental protection

自然保护区 nature reserve

文物保护遗址 cultural relics site

历史文化遗址 historical and cultural site

基础设施 infrastructure

饮用水水源保护区 drinking water source reserve area

劳动安全与工业卫生 labor safety and industrial hygiene

生活饮用水卫生标准 sanitary standard for drinking water

污水综合排放 integrated wastewater discharge

工业企业厂界噪声 industrial enterprises noise at boundary

大气污染物综合排放标准 integrated emission standard of air pollutants

职业病 occupational disease

职业健康与安全 occupational health and safety

风险分析 risk analysis

风险评估 risk assessment(evaluation)

风险控制 risk control

反馈控制 feedback control

反馈信息 feedback information

江河流域综合利用规划 multipurpose utilization plan of the river basin

河流(河段)水电规划 hydropower development planning of river(river reach)

设计程序 design procedure

比选方案 alternative

预可行性研究 pre-feasibility study

可行性研究 feasibility study

招标设计 tender design

施工详图设计 detailed design

运行期 operation period

清洁可再生能源 clean and renewable energy resources

资源普查 resources investigation

规划 planning

设计 design

工程咨询 engineering consultation

融资 financing

设备采购 equipment procurement

工程总承包 EPC contracting

安全鉴定 safety appraisal

施工监理 construction supervision

竣工验收 final acceptance

运行与维护 operation and maintenance

项目法人 project legal person,project entity

初步勘察 Preliminary Investigation[1]

初步设计勘察 Initial Design Investigation[2]

最终设计勘察 Final Design Investigation[3]

评估勘察 Appraisal Investigation[4]

可行性设计 Feasibility Design[5]

最终设计 Specifications (Final) Design[6]

能源革命 energy revolution

互联互通 connectivity

区域经济一体化 regional economic integration

丝绸之路经济带 Silk Road Economic Belt

21世纪海上丝绸之路 21st Century Maritime Silk Road

一带一路 One Belt One Road

优势互补、互利共赢 complement each other's advantages and achieve win-win outcomes

图例 legend

符号 symbol

平面布置图 plan,layout

立视图 elevation view

上游视图 upstream view

下游视图 downstream view

透视图 prospective view

立体图 stereogram

鸟瞰图 aerial view

俯视图 top view,plan view

示意图(略图) sketch (schematic drawing)

外形图 outline dimension drawing

目测草图 visual sketch

轮廓图 outline drawing

剖面图 sectional drawing

纵剖面图 longitudinal section(profile)

横剖面图 transversal section,cross-section

展视图(展开图) outspread view

绝对高程 absolute elevation

相对高程 relative elevation

开挖线 excavation line

原地面线 natural ground line

建筑物轮廓线 outline of structure

加工图(车间图) fabrication drawing,shop drawing

装配图 (组装图) assembly drawing

体型图 shape drawing

配筋图 reinforcement drawing

细部详图(大样图) detail drawing

施工图 construction drawing

施工详图 detailed drawing

竣工图 as-built drawing

蓝图 blueprint

套用图 drawing use indiscriminately

框图 block diagram

标题栏 title block

签字栏 authentication block

制图 drawn by

校核 checked by

审查 reviewed by

核定 examined by

批准 approved by

项目建议书 Project proposal(recommendation)

项目申请报告 Project application report

预可行性研究报告 Pre-feasibility study report

可行性研究报告 Feasibility study report

招标设计报告 Tender design report

流域地理位置示意图 Sketch of geographic location of the river basin

工程地理位置图 Geographic location of the proposed project

河流(河段)梯级开发示意图 Sketch of cascade developments of the river(reaches)

电站接入系统地理位置图 Geographic location of hydropower plant interconnection

枢纽总布置图 Project layout

枢纽效果图 Project design sketch

工程特性表 Project features

工程量汇总表 Summary bill of quantities

计算书 Calculation sheet

设计说明 Design description

[1] 美国能源署勘察阶段分类

[2] 美国能源署勘察阶段分类

[3] 美国能源署勘察阶段分类

[4] 美国垦务局设计阶段分类

[5] 美国垦务局设计阶段分类

[6] 美国垦务局设计阶段分类