The eco-environmental problem in arid region is a representative of global environment vulnerability,which is related to the intricate basin evolution involved in the interaction between water cycle,eco-environment and economy.The book starts with water allocation theory and study when carrying out water rights system,how to forecast the impact of actual water allocation on the society,economy and eco-environment and how to foresee the basin evolution orientation.
The water resources potential energy is presented made up of geographic,efficient and institutional potential energy.The water allocation rule is explained using potential energy theory; thus,the water allocation theory is brought forward.The basic equation of water allocation is derived from flow characteristic.
According to water consumption ratio in socio-economic and ecological environment and the allocation in agriculture and industry,the water allocation stage is divided into Ecological-Safe Stage,Ecological Limit-Agriculture Increase Stage,Ecological Limit-Industry Increase Stage,Ecological Destroy-Agriculture Increase Stage,Ecological Destroy-Industry Increase Stage and Ecological Rehabilitation Stage.
Based on the institutional potential energy,the negotiating model on water rights allocation is established.The negotiating model on water rights allocation is integrated into water allocation theory to establish the basin evolution model.The basin evolution model can describe the water allocation under different condition and forecast the basin evolution orientation.
The basin evolution model is used in Shiyang River basin to forecast the socio-economic development and the results show:water allocation system plays a negative role in the upper reaches and positive impacts on the lower reaches and water rights system should be implemented as early as possible so as to realize the sustainable development.