说到雅思写作,不少考生都默默地给其贴上了一个标签——拖后腿的 “拉分项”。与口语一样,作为语言输出项,写作得高分对考生们来说是一个不小的挑战。很多人都曾抱怨:我明明很努力了,怎么写作分数还是上不去?这个时候,就要想想:我们努力的方向是否正确?换句话说,我们所写的内容是否是考官想看见的?那么,考官眼中的高分雅思作文长什么样?要回答这个问题,当然是雅思考官最有发言权。相信之前读过 《雅思口语不传之秘》的读者,都很熟悉担任雅思考官十余年的Dan Berns!作为一名剑桥大学本科、清华大学研究生毕业的英国人,他用英语母语写作信手拈来,并且熟悉雅思写作评分标准,深知雅思写作的 “套路”;在担任雅思考官期间,他阅卷无数,尤其对中国考生常犯的错误了然于心。
To readers,
Hi,I'm Dan and welcome to this IELTS writing book.It feels like a long time ago the IELTS speaking book was published,but I was really pleased with the fact that it was able to help so many students finally realize their dreams and pass the speaking test.I think before it was released there were no other books which went so deep into the mindset of an examiner,and the feedback I got from readers who jumped from 5.5 to 7.5 was incredible.The comment I received most of all though was "When will Dan release a book about the writing test?" In fact,this book was already in development when I received those comments,and so I worked hard to put together a book which really breaks down and explains the writing exam as an examiner sees it.
This book is going to show you the writing exam from a completely different perspective.You will no longer be in the dark guessing what an examiner is looking for,you're going to climb inside the examiner's head and learn to think like he does.It is an undeniable fact that the IELTS test gets more difficult every year,but with this book and a little bit of effort,I promise you you'll get the writing scores you need to go to your dream university.In closing,I can't wait to hear about your scores and I wish you all the luck in the world.
Dan Berns