


1933 女巫角(Hag's Nook)

1935 三口棺材(The Three Coffin

1936 阿拉伯之夜谋杀案(The Arabian Nights Murder

1938 扭曲的铰链(The Crooked Hinge

1939 绿胶囊之谜(The Problem of The Green Capsule

1940 失颤之人(The Man Who Could Not Shudder

1941 连续自杀事件(The Case of the Constant Suicides

1944 至死不渝(Till Death Do Us Part

1946 耳语之人(He Who Whispers

1947 菲尔博士率众前来(Dr.Fell Detective and Other Stories

1965 撒旦肘之屋(The House at Satan's Elbow

1968 月之阴(Dark of The Moon


1934 瘟疫庄谋杀案(The Plague Court Murders

1935 红寡妇谋杀案(The Red Widow Murders

1935 独角兽谋杀案(The Unicorn Murders

1937 孔雀羽谋杀案(The Peacock Feather Murders

1938 五盒之谜(Death in Five Boxes

1938 犹大之窗(The Judas Window

1940 怪奇案件受理处(The Department of Queer Complaints

1943 女郎她死了(She Died a Lady

1953 骑士之杯(The Cavalier's Cup


1930 夜行(It Walks by Night

1931 骷髅城堡(Castle Skull

1931 失落的绞架(The Lost Gallows

1932 蜡像馆之尸(The Corpse in the Waxworks

1937 四种错误武器(The Four False Weapons


1937 燃烧的法庭(The Burning Court

1942 皇帝的鼻烟壶(The Emperor's Sniff-Box

1954 福尔摩斯的功绩(The Exploits of Sherlock Holmes

1954 第三颗子弹(The Third Bullet and Other Stories

1957 火焰,燃烧吧!(Fire,Burn!

1964 破解奇迹之人(The Men Who Explained Miracles

1972 饥饿的哥布林(The Hungry Goblin