第七章 1789~1800年间联邦党人掌权

191.John Adams elected Vice-President.—For second place there was no such unanimity of opinion as in the case of Washington. The foremost candidate was John Adams of Massachusetts. He had been one of the leaders in the earlier days of the Revolution, and had later represented the United States abroad, especially in England. Unfortunately, he had written a book in which, among other things, he suggested that “the rich, and the able, ” should be set apart from other men in a Senate. The proposal to exalt “the rich” and “the able, ” did not arouse much opposition; but the use of the phrase “the well-born” greatly injured Adams's popularity. As the Constitution then stood, each elector voted for two persons without stating which of them he wished to be President. The one who received most votes should be President, provided he received a majority; the person receiving the next highest number should be Vice-President. Alexander Hamilton, to whom the elevation of “the well-born” would have been most welcome, conceived the idea that Adams might receive more votes than Washington, and intrigued to prevent it. The scheme became known to Adams, and proved to be the beginning of a long and unfortunate estrangement, which had most serious consequences for the party of which Adams and Hamilton soon became the chiefs.
192.Political Tendencies, 1789.—There were no political parties in the United States in 1789; but the political leaders, and the voters were divided in precisely the manner in which they had been during the contest over the ratification of the Constitution. No sooner was the task of reorganization begun than these divergent views manifested themselves. Two men were soon recognized as the leaders of these opposing camps, and may be considered as the embodiment of the tendencies which became the bases of the two political parties of the earlier portion of our history under the Constitution. The first of these tendencies expressed itself in the desire to promote the welfare of the individual, to give him greater political power, more comforts in life, greater intelligence, and in general to elevate the more ignorant and ruder portion of society. The second declared itself in the wish to subordinate the welfare of the individual to the growth of the nation and to rely for support on “the well-born, ” the intelligent, and the richer portion of the community. With the former of these tendencies was identified Thomas Jefferson, Washington's Secretary of State; with the latter, Alexander Hamilton, Washington's Secretary of the Treasury.
Thomas Jefferson, the author of the Summary View and the Declaration of Independence and representative of the United States in France, was now in the prime of life. In many ways he was one of the most extraordinary men America has produced. An aristocrat by birth and breeding, the owner of slaves, and the designer of and dweller in one of the most elegant mansions of that day, he was the leader of democracy, the champion of the rights of man, and the persistent, though powerless, advocate of slave emancipation. When President, he seemed to enjoy shocking the prejudices of ceremonious persons: Washington had established stately ceremonials, Jefferson conducted official gatherings on the principle of “pell-mell” —each guest doing pretty much as he pleased; Washington had driven in coach and four to and from the halls of Congress, Jefferson rode on horseback, unattended, from the White House to the Capitol and hitched his horse with his own hands in a neighboring shed.More curious still, Jefferson, a man of visionary ideas, was the most astute political leader of his day.Shy, averse to contact with his fellow-men, and destitute of magnetism, he led the masses and achieved the greatest popularity in one of the most difficult periods of our history. In person Jefferson was tall, six feet two inches in height, with sandy hair and a most sunny countenance. He was ungainly in figure and seemed always “to be jumping out of his clothes, ” and he sat or reclined on one hip in a manner which impressed at least one keen observer who has described him.
Unlike Jefferson in every respect, Alexander Hamilton was small in stature and was always well-dressed. A great administrator and capable of attracting men by his personal qualities, he led his party to a most crushing defeat. His success in organizing the machinery of the government entitles him to the gratitude of the nation, and the part he played in securing the ratification of the Constitution gives him a foremost place in the annals of the United States. He deserves the more credit for this, perhaps, because he had no faith in the efficacy of the Constitution to provide a sufficient government for the country. In 1802 he wrote: “Perhaps no man... has sacrificed or done more for the present Constitution than myself; and, contrary to all my anticipations of its fate... I am still laboring to prop the frail and worthless fabric... Every day proves to me more and more this American world was not made for me.” In these sentences may be found the reason for the political failure of Hamilton and his friends. He had no sympathy with the aspirations of the masses for self-improvement. He had no confidence in their ability to cope successfully with the problems of government. In one noted phrase he emphasized the cause of his failure as a political chief. It was at a dinner when, replying to some remark that had been made, Hamilton declared: “Sir, your people is a great beast.” But it was the people that must govern under the Constitution, or republican government was a failure. Far otherwise was Jefferson's view of the people. In a letter written in 1787 he said: “I am persuaded that the good sense of the people will always be found the best army. They may be led astray for a moment, but will soon correct themselves.” The Federalist party endeavored so to frame the governmental machinery that a minority of the people could govern the majority; the attempt ended in disaster.

Monticello, Jefferson's mansion
193. Washington's Inauguration, 1789.—Washington “bade adieu, ” to use his own words, “to Mount Vernon, to private life, and to domestic felicity; and with a mind oppressed with more anxious and painful sensations than I have words to express, ” set out for New York to take the oath of office as the first President of the United States. The acclamations which greeted him on his journey did not lessen his sense of the deep responsibilities which surrounded him. His inaugural was especially solemn: he addressed “fervent supplications to that Almighty Being who rules over the universe... that his benediction may consecrate to the liberties and happiness of the people of the United States, a government instituted by themselves, ... and may enable every instrument employed in its administration to execute with success the functions allotted to his charge.”
Colonial customs and traditions derived from English precedents were still the rule. Washington, inclined to be stiff and formal, instituted a rigid ceremoniousness in official intercourse which savored little of republicanism. During the recesses of Congress, he traveled around the country in an almost regal fashion. Everywhere he was enthusiastically received: at one place he was greeted with “God bless your reign” ; at another he was hailed as “Columbia's Savior.” At Boston, however, John Hancock, governor of Massachusetts, endeavored to uphold the dogma of state sovereignty by refusing to make the first call; but usually the stiffest Anti-Federalists forgot their constitutional scruples and heartily joined to do honor to “The President.” All these things, however, when coupled with Hamilton's well-known predilection for a government modeled on that of Great Britain in the days of the unreformed Parliament, convinced many men that the restoration of the monarchical form was the aim of the Federalists. Probably the charge was not true in any case.

George Washington, after a mask made from the living face, 1785
194.Organization of the Government.—On April 8, weeks before Washington took the oath of office, Madison introduced a resolution in the House of Representatives which led to the first debate upon protection, and ultimately to the formation of the first tariff act. This law, which Washington signed shortly after the inauguration, proved insufficient to provide the necessary funds, and the rates were increased in 1790 and again in 1792. A Tonnage Act, which was passed at about the same time, provided for a discrimination in favor of goods imported in American vessels and excluded foreign vessels from the coastwise trade. It was further suggested that vessels flying the flags of nations not having commercial treaties with the United States should be taxed more heavily than vessels belonging to more friendly countries. This bill was aimed especially at the foreign shipping interest; but the influence of merchants engaged in commerce with Great Britain was exerted to defeat the proposal, and the attempt was abandoned.

A room at Mount Vernon
Congress then turned its attention to the organization of the new government. Five executive departments were created: the state department, which at first had to do with both home and foreign affairs; the treasury; the war department, which also managed the trifling naval affairs for the next few years; the department of justice, at the head of which was the Attorney-General; and the post office. The heads of these departments were appointed by the President with the consent of the Senate, but they were removable by him without action by the Senate(see p.269); it had been proposed to make the Secretary of the Treasury responsible to Congress, but this proposal had been abandoned. The first four of these departmental heads acted as the President's advisers; the Postmaster-General remaining for the present outside of what was termed the cabinet. In thinking of this organization and using the words “advisers” and “cabinet, ” the student should always carefully bear in mind that the President is not obliged in the smallest degree to follow their advice or even to ask it.Congress further made provision for the appointment of collectors of the customs, district attorneys, and other officials to carry on the business of the government.
Congress also provided for the organization of the Judiciary. The Supreme Court comprised a Chief Justice and five Associate Justices, and thirteen district courts were established.Between the district courts and the Supreme Court were the circuit courts, three in number; they were held by justices of the Supreme Court and the judges of the district courts.Provision was made for the appointment of the necessary officials, as marshals, who held office for four years; in this latter enactment, some students see the germ of the spoils system which was later developed by the extension of this limited tenure of office to all the less important positions in the executive branch(p.413).
195. Hamilton's Financial Measures.—In January, 1790, Hamilton, the new Secretary of the Treasury, presented to Congress an elaborate report on the public credit, which should be carefully studied by all who desire to comprehend Hamilton's clear insight into financial matters, and to appreciate, at their full value, the great services he rendered to his adopted country. It appeared that the United States, as the successor of the Confederation, owed about fifty-four million dollars in principal and accrued but unpaid interest.Eleven millions of this was owed abroad. As to this portion, which was generally termed the “foreign debt, ” all agreed with the secretary that it should be paid in full according to the terms of the original contracts. As to the larger portion, which was owed to citizens of the United States, —the “domestic debt, ” as it was called, —there was no such unanimity of opinion. There had beenhardly any market at all for these obligations; holders had been fortunate to sell their holdings at one fifth of the face value. Hamilton proposed to fund this part of the debt at par; but to this proposal there was much opposition. It was argued that this arrangement would be unjust to the original holders of these certificates who had received them in payment for supplies furnished to the Revolutionary armies, or for services rendered to the country at the time of its greatest need.Madison suggested that the present holders should be paid the highest market price for their obligations, and that the difference between that amount and the face value of the bonds should be paid to the original holders. Hamilton insisted, however, that to secure the credit of the new government it was essential that the full face value of the certificates should be paid to those who possessed the legal title. This was sound practical sense, and Hamilton's plan was adopted. A further part of the secretary's scheme provided that the United States should assume and fund, as a part of its own debt, certain portions of the debts of the several states. On this question, however, the interests of the North and of the South were different, as, for one reason or another, the Northern states were burdened with much larger debts than were the Southern states. The measure commended itself to Hamilton and to those who thought with him, because its consummation would interest a large number of persons in the stability of the new government, and would compel the United States to exercise extensive powers of taxation; but this centralization of power was disliked by those who viewed with jealousy the subordination of the states to the federal government. North Carolina ratified the Constitution in November, 1789, her representatives took their seats in Congress in time to vote against the project, and it was defeated by a small majority(April, 1790). The issue now became bound up with the decision of another question, —the permanent seat of the national capital.

Mrs. Alexander Hamilton

Alexander Hamilton
196. The National Capital and Assumption.—Toward the close of the Revolutionary War three hundred Pennsylvania soldiers had surrounded the building in which Congress held its sessions, and demanded the immediate redress of their grievances. The executive council of Pennsylvania was appealed to, and declined to interfere to protect Congress from annoyance. It was largely owing to this that the framers of the Constitution inserted a provision in that instrument which gave the federal government complete control over a district ten miles square, within which a national capitol and other buildings might be erected. The question of the precise location of this small district does not appear to be a matter of much importance in these days of rapid transit. In 1790, however, the Potomac was, to all intents and purposes, as far from Boston as San Francisco is nowadays and Philadelphia was much more inaccessible to the South Carolinian than Denver is at the present time. The Southern members of Congress were anxious to have the permanent seat of government on the Potomac, and the Pennsylvanians were equally desirous that Philadelphia should be the temporary seat of government while the necessary buildings were in the process of construction on the Potomac. Many Northern members, who had slight interest in this matter, were deeply concerned in the success of the project of assumption of the state debts; they believed that the Pennsylvanians, who had voted against the latter measure, had made abargain of some kind with the Southerners. The friends of assumption, therefore, procured the insertion of Baltimore instead of Philadelphia as the site of the temporary capital, and this bill came to a sudden stop.
It was at this time that Jefferson lent his aid to the successful prosecution of a scheme, the recollection of which annoyed him ever after: he yielded to a suggestion of Hamilton's that they should bring about a compromise, and induced enough Southern members to vote for assumption to carry that measure, while Hamilton, on his part, procured enough Northern votes to pass the Potomac-Philadelphia bill. The Assumption Act, in its final form, was a much less satisfactory measure than Hamilton's original plan. The latter had contemplated the assumption of balances of the debt of each state after the sum due by the states to the United States had been ascertained; the law, as passed, provided, however, for the assumption of a certain part of state debts mentioned in the act; in some cases it turned out that the amount thus assumed was much too large.
197. The First Slavery Debates, 1789,1790.—The years between the close of the Revolutionary War and the formation of the government under the Constitution saw the abolition of slavery in several Northern states and the formation of plans for gradual emancipation in others(p.250); it may truthfully be said that the Northerners were opposed to the perpetuation of slavery, although it should also be stated that the intensity of this feeling varied greatly in different parts of the North. Many of the leaders of Virginia—as Washington, Jefferson, and Mason—shared in this opinion. South of the Old Dominion, the case was widely different. The South Carolinians had threatened to stay out of the Union unless their demands as to slavery and the slave trade were complied with(p.262), and the North Carolinians, in ceding their claims to western lands to the United States(1790), stipulated that Congress should make no laws affecting slavery in the territory thus ceded.
The first slavery debate in Congress arose on the motion of a representative from Virginia that the constitutional tax of ten dollars per head should be levied on all slaves imported into the country. The representatives of the states farther south defended slavery in the abstract, and accused the Virginians of selfishness in advocating the proposed tax, the effect of which would be to raise the price of Virginia slaves, as they would be in demand in the South and would be purchased of the Virginians by the Carolinian and Georgian planters. The proposal was dropped at that time in consideration of Southern votes for the protective tariff, and, as a matter of fact, no tax was ever levied on slaves imported.
The next year the question again came before Congress, this time in a form much more objectionable to the slave owners. In February, 1790, memorials were presented from the Yearly Meeting of the Society of Friends and from the Abolition Society of Pennsylvania, whose president was Benjamin Franklin. These petitioners prayed Congress to use its constitutional powers to “promote mercy and justice” toward the negro, and to “remove every obstruction to public righteousness, ” especially in respect to slavery. The Southerners assailed the memorialists with tremendous fervor; they scented danger from afar, and the matter came up when their passions were thoroughly aroused by the debates on assumption and on the site of the new capital. The most virulent of the Southern spokesmen was William Jackson of Georgia, an immigrant from England, whose vehemence in harangue has probably never been exceeded in American deliberative assemblies. The House referred the memorials to a committee, and upon their report another debate occurred. Ultimately a few very mild statements were entered on the journal of the House; among them was a declaration to the effect that Congress had no authority to interfere with slavery within the states. The subject was then dropped.
Three years later(1793)the slaveholders secured the passage of an act to carry out the provision of the Constitution(Art. iv)that persons “held to service or labor in one state... escaping into another... shall be delivered up on claim of the party to whom such service or labor may be due.” Fugitive slaves had already been restored to their masters; but this act aroused the resentment of many persons in the North, and the first case which arose under it showed how difficult it was to carry out national laws when they were contrary to the sentiment of the people of a state. In this instance, Massachusetts, where the fugitives were found, did not nullify an act of Congress in solemn conclave; but it proved to be practically impossible to execute an incontestably constitutional law within her borders.
In 1792 Kentucky was admitted to the Union as a slave state: Vermont had been admitted as a free state the year before. The northern boundary of Virginia and Kentucky, from thePennsylvania line to the Mississippi, was the Ohio River, which in this way served as a boundary between the free states and territories of the North and the slaveholding states and territories of the South. The Ohio forms practically a continuation of Mason and Dixon's line; indeed, the latter term was frequently used to designate simply the line between the free and the slave states.
198. The Excise and the Bank, 1791.—The third and last session of the First Congress was held at Philadelphia. Two measures then passed were of paramount interest: a bill for raising revenue from an internal revenue tax or excise, and a bill establishing a national bank. It will be remembered that Hamilton had valued the plan for the assumption of state debts because it would necessitate the extension of the government's taxing power to other sources of revenue than taxes on goods imported from foreign countries, and thus concentrate in the hands of the federal government the great sources of public income. When the assumption scheme was passed, he proposed that an excise tax of twenty-five cents per gallon should be levied on all whiskey manufactured in the United States. This rate was very low, and the tax would not bring in much revenue; but its enforcement would accustom the western frontiersmen to federal taxation and to the presence of federal officials, and it would make the levying of heavier taxes in the future much easier. The bill was stubbornly fought in the House; it was passed against the protests of several state legislatures, and it produced a rebellion, —the Whiskey Insurrection of 1794. Hamilton's principal object was accomplished, however; the federal government had exerted its powers to levy internal taxes and had shown its strength in suppressing rebellion.
Hamilton had long favored the establishment of a national bank. Indeed, during the Revolutionary War, he had written to Robert Morris proposing such an institution on the ground that it would enlist in that movement the influence and interest of men of means and position. He now laid before Congress the plan of a national bank, resembling in many ways the Bank of England. An establishment of this description would greatly facilitate the collection and disbursement of the public funds. He therefore maintained that it would be constitutional under the clause which authorized Congress “to make all laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into execution the foregoing powers, ” among which was the power “to lay and collect taxes... to pay the debts” of the federal government. This view of the force of the words “necessary and proper” was contested in Congress, especially by Madison. When the bill came before Washington for his approval, he asked the written opinions of his advisers.Jefferson argued that the power to charter a bank was nowhere granted toCongress by the Constitution, and that, according to the Tenth Amendment(p.263), all powers not delegated to the national government were reserved to the states or to the people. This opinion and that of Hamilton are well worth reading, as they give an admirable idea of the two modes of interpreting the Constitution. After some hesitation, Washington approved the bill, and twenty-five years afterward Madison, as President, signed a similar bill. The capital of the new bank thus brought into existence was ten millions, and was all subscribed for within two hours. Two parties had been formed in the cabinet, however, and from this time on, Jefferson and Hamilton, to use the words of the former, were “pitted against each other every day in the cabinet, like two fighting cocks.” Jefferson placed himself at the head of the elements of opposition, and with marvelous skill welded them into a powerful party.

199. Rise of the Republican Party.—Jefferson maintained that Hamilton had under his orders in Congress “a corrupt squadron” of members, who were willing to do his bidding and were well paid for their complacency. There were also dark stories in circulation of swift sailing vessels dispatched by Hamilton's friends to Southern ports, bearing agents who bought up the certificates of indebtedness at a low rate, before the news of the funding of the debt could reach those far-off regions. Whether these stories were true or false, it is undoubtedly true that the shrewd men of business in the North, who were mostly of Hamilton's party, made large profits out of the funding operations, at the expense, to a considerable extent, of the Southern people.
The financial measures of the new government were very successful, and their success alarmed and irritated many persons besides Jefferson. They all led to a great increase in the power of the central government and to a corresponding diminution in the power of the state governments. The latter organizations were familiar to the great mass of the people, who understood little of the problems of finance, which had been so admirably solved by the Secretary of the Treasury. They felt a distrust toward the growing power of the federal government, and were disposed to insist on an interpretation of the Constitution which should be favorable to the continued authority of the states.
Jefferson, personally, was not averse to the existence of a strong national government; as President, he certainly never hesitated to use whatever powers the Constitution could be construed to give him, and some powers, indeed, which no construction could read into that document(P. 337); but he objected strenuously to the exercise of those functions by Hamilton and his allies. With his love of individual liberty, he saw the government every day trenching more and more on the rights of the individual. He thought he saw a determination to build up a strong government resembling a monarchy, if not a monarchy itself. He lost no opportunity to bring the charge of monarchical tendencies home to his opponents; for himself, he stood for republican principles, and the party which gathered about him gradually assumed the name of Republican. Hamilton and his followers continued to bear the designation—so ill befitting them—of Federalists, —a name which had proved powerful in the struggle for the ratification of the Constitution.
Jefferson was the first to recognize the power to be exercised by the newspaper press. Through his influence was established the National Gazette, edited by Philip Freneau, a literary man of ability, who occupied the position of clerk in Jefferson's department. A furiousonslaught was at once begun on Hamilton and the Federalists, in which even Washington was not spared. Their defense was feebly essayed by the Gazette of the United States.
200. The Neutrality Proclamation, 1793.—On the first day of February, 1793, the French Republic declared war against Great Britain, and began a conflict fraught with danger to the United States as well as to the people of Europe. Indeed, from this time until 1823, thehistory of the United States was largely influenced by the course of events on the other side of the Atlantic, and at times it may even be said to have been dominated by European political complications.Jefferson had been United States minister at Paris at the outbreak of the French Revolution; he had left France almost immediately afterward, and had therefore been personally acquainted with the French Revolution only in its earlier and better period. He sympathized with the efforts made by the French revolutionary leaders to exalt the rights of the individual as against the control of government; that was precisely what he was laboring to bring about in America. Hamilton, on the other hand, distrusted the people, hated democracy, and had no sympathy for France. The cabinet was therefore divided on this question as well as on others, and for precisely the same reasons. This was the more unfortunate as the position of the government was full of peril. The Treaty of Alliance with France(p.211)provided that each party should guarantee to the other its territorial possessions in America. According to the letter of the treaty, therefore, the United States was bound to defend the French West India Islands against British attacks. Washington laid the case before his advisers and asked whether the treaty was still in force, in view of the overthrow and execution of the French monarch with whom it had been made.Jefferson replied that it was still in force. According to the political theories contained in the Declaration of Independence, which form the basis of the American political system, the government of a country is merely the instrument by which the sovereign power, the people, carries on its affairs.Bearing this in mind, it is difficult to see how he could have given any other answer. To Hamilton, however, to whom governments were everything and the people nothing, the case seemed to be equally clear on the other side.Political expediency, nay, the existence of the United States, demanded that she should not take sides in the stupendous conflict now approaching.Recognizing this, Washington decided to issue a proclamation of neutrality defining the position of the United States, and warning all American citizens against committing hostile acts in favor of either side(April 22,1793). This proclamation is of the very greatest importance in the history of the country, as it was then first definitely laid down as a policy that the United States was to hold aloof from the wars and politics of Europe. It proved to be I very difficult to carry out in practice, and the difficulty was not in any way lessened by the conduct of the French agent in the United States, the “Citizen Genet.”
Genet landed at Charleston on April 8 and at once began to fit out warlike expeditions, as if the United States were French soil: he armed privateers, commissioned them, and directed their masters to send prizes into United States ports for condemnation. He then set out for Philadelphia, and his journey resembled a triumphal progress. Clubs were formed on the model of the Jacobin Club of Paris, and extreme democratic ideas were sedulously cultivated. Fortunately, however, Genet was a very indiscreet man, and soon involved himself in actions which justified the government in asking for his recall. This request was at once granted; for the party that had sent him to America was no longer in power in France, but had been replaced by a much more radical element.Curiously enough, it does not appear that Genet or Adet, his successor, called upon the government to fulfill their treaty obligations, —a demand which would have been very awkward to meet.
The Federalists at once endeavored to stigmatize their opponents as democrats. On their side, the Republicans charged the Federalists with leanings toward England, and branded them as the British party. There was some truth in this latter contention, as the Federalist party was strong in the commercial centers of the North, whose trade was mainly with GreatBritain. Notwithstanding their fierce and growing dissensions, Jefferson and Hamilton both implored Washington to serve another term; he was unanimously re-elected, and John Adams again became Vice-President(1792).
201.Relations with Great Britain, 1783-94.—The treaty of peace of 1783 had secured the independence of the United States and had given it adequate boundaries; but it had left unsettled many weighty questions, and some of its more important provisions had not been faithfully observed. For instance, legal obstacles had been placed in the way of the collection of debts incurred before the Revolution(p.252), and Great Britain had refused to surrender many posts in the northwest, whose retention was a standing menace to the settlers in that region. The British had also taken away large numbers of slaves in contravention of the treaty, according to the American interpretation of it(p.251). The controversy had reached a dangerous point, where slight additional irritation on either side might easily lead to war; and, on the other hand, the United States was now in a position to enforce its treaty obligations.
Meantime, the war between France and Great Britain had given rise to another cause of grievance. In May, 1793, the French ordered the capture and condemnation of neutral vessels carrying provisions to British ports, on the ground that provisions were contraband of war, or goods which could not be supplied to a belligerent except at the risk of seizure by the other belligerent. The British government soon adopted a similar policy. In those days there also existed an agreement between the leading European powers to the effect that a neutral could not enjoy in time of war a trade which was prohibited to it in time of peace. This was called the Rule of War of 1756, or, more briefly, the Rule of 1756. The Americans were not allowed to trade with the French West Indies in time of peace, but as soon as the war broke out those ports were opened to them. In November, 1793, the British put this rule in force against American shipping. As the Americans were not permitted to trade with the British West Indies, this action practically closed the commerce of that region to them. With the outbreak of the war, another and even more irritating contention arose over the right of the British to stop American vessels on the high seas and remove from them British seamen for service in British men-of-war; the more serious phase of this impressment controversy will be considered later on(p.345). Affairs had reached a point where war seemed inevitable. In March, 1794, Congress laid an embargo for thirty days on shipping in American ports, which was afterwards extended for another thirty days. A bill was also brought in providing for non-intercourse with Great Britain, and was defeated in the Senate only by the casting vote of the Vice-President. A word from Washington, and the nation would have cheerfully plunged into war.
202. Jay's Treaty, 1794.—Washington determined to make one more effort to settle these questions peaceably; he appointed John Jay, Chief Justice of the United States, minister to Great Britain to negotiate a new treaty. Probably a better choice could not have been made.Jay had had much experience in diplomatic affairs, was a man of the highest integrity, and one of the least self-interested men in public life. After a long and arduous negotiation, he signed a treaty(1794)whose publication at once aroused fierce animosity in the United States. By this instrument the British government agreed to evacuate the posts on June 1, 1796; joint commissions were to be appointed to settle the question of debts, the indemnity for the negroes who were taken away, and to determine boundary disputes on the northeastern frontier; but on the questions of neutral trade and impressment the British government would not yield. The most objectionable provision of the treaty was the twelfth article. This opened the ports of the British West Indies to American vessels, provided that they were under seventy tons, and on the further condition that during the continuance of the treaty(twelve years)the United States would not export molasses, sugar, coffee, cocoa, or cotton to any part of the world.

John Jay

Mrs.John Jay
203. Ratification of Jay's Treaty, 1795.—The announcement of the terms of the treaty was the signal for an outburst of indignation.Jay was burned in effigy, the British flag was dragged in the dirt, the British minister was insulted, and Washington was abused in language that he declared “could scarcely be applied to a Nero, to a notorious defaulter, or even to a common pickpocket.” It was only with the greatest difficulty that the Senate could be induced to give its consent to the treaty without the twelfth article. In the House of Representatives there was also a fierce contest, for money was needed to carry out the provisions of the treaty. After a long debate, the House passed a resolution calling on the President for the papers relating to the negotiation. This demand Washington refused, on the ground that the House of Representatives was not a part of the treaty-making power.Finally, the House gave way, largely in consequence of pressure brought to bear upon Northern members by their constituents in the commercial centers of the North; and by a vote of forty-eight to forty-one the necessary appropriation bills were passed.
The best that can be said of Jay's treaty is that it postponed the second war with Great Britain for many years. The immediate consequence was to increase the feeling of dissatisfaction with the Federalists. Even in Virginia Washington lost much of his former popularity; the legislature of that state refused to pass a vote of undiminished confidence in its most distinguished son.
204.Relations with Spain and France, 1794-97.—According to the treaties of 1763 and 1783, the United States enjoyed the right to the free navigation of the Mississippi(p.229)and had a strong claim to territory as far south as the thirty-first parallel(p.229). It proved to be very difficult to secure possession of the land bordering on the Mississippi south of the Yazoo, as the Spaniards contended that Britain, in ceding to her “the Floridas, ” had ceded them with the boundaries under which they were actually governed at the time of the Spanish occupation(p.252). The Spaniards also intrigued with the settlers in Kentucky and Tennessee. The right of the United States to the free navigation of the Mississippi could not well be denied, but the free navigation of the great river was of slight value unless the Americans possessed the further privilege of using some portion of the river's banks within Spanish territory for the purpose of transferring cargo from river-going craft to vessels capable of navigating the ocean. In 1795 Thomas Pinckney negotiated a treaty with Spain, by which that power agreed to designate “a place of deposit” within her territory where goods might be stored free of duty while awaiting transshipment, and she acknowledged the claim of the United States as to the boundary to be valid; but it was several years before theposts within the territory thus conceded were handed over to the United States. With France matters did not proceed so satisfactorily.
The French government was greatly exasperated by the conclusion of the treaty with Great Britain, as war between that power and the United States was thereby made improbable. The American minister at Paris, James Monroe, a Virginian of the Jeffersonian school, instead of doing his utmost to smooth away these feelings of resentment, seems to have shared them himself; he also made no attempt to press the claims of America for damages for the unwarrantable seizure of vessels by the French. Washington recalled him, and sent in his place Charles C.Pinckney of South Carolina, whom the French government refused to receive(February, 1797).
205. Washington's Farewell Address, 1797.—Toward the close of his second term, Washington decided to retire from the presidency, and by declining to be a candidate for reelection, set a precedent which has ever since been followed. He announced this determination in a masterly Farewell Address, which is still full of instruction for the American people. He earnestly besought his countrymen to foster the government recentlyestablished and to preserve the public credit. As to the outer world, he wished his fellow-citizens first of all to be Americans, and to avoid taking sides with foreign nations:"It is our true policy to steer clear of permanent alliances with any portion of the foreign world... I hold the maxim no less applicable to public than to private affairs, that honesty is always the best policy...
“Harmony and a liberal intercourse with all nations are recommended by policy, humanity, and interest.”
206. Election of John Adams, 1796.—The choice of Washington's successor proved to be a matter of some difficulty.Jefferson was the undoubted leader of the Republicans, and he became their candidate. There was no such unanimity of opinion among the Federalists: Hamilton was the real leader of the party, but he was very unpopular and could not possibly have been elected; John Jay would have been Hamilton's choice for the place, but the odium which had attached to the negotiator of Jay's treaty made his candidature impossible. Under the circumstances, John Adams was the only candidate whom the Federalists could put forward with a fair chance of success. But Hamilton sought by an unworthy political trick to secure the election to the first place of Thomas Pinckney, the nominal candidate for the vice-presidency. Adams was popular with the rank and file of the Federalist party, although he was obnoxious to some of the leaders. The result was that to insure the choice of Adams, a number of Federalist electors threw away their second votes, and thus-brought about the election of Jefferson to the second place instead of Pinckney.Jefferson, indeed, showed the most unexpected strength, and Adams was chosen President by three votes only over his Republican rival, —the votes being seventy-one for Adams and sixty-eight for Jefferson. The Federalists kept control of the Senate, but the moderate Republicans held the balance of power in the House of Representatives.

Election of 1796
Adams, at the outset of his administration, made the fatal blunder of retaining Washington's official advisers in office. Hamilton had long since retired from the cabinet, and the heads of departments were men of fair abilities only, and could easily have been replaced. They regarded Hamilton as their chief and intrigued against Adams from the beginning to the end of his term of office.Beset by these difficulties at home, Adams had a most arduous task in the solution of the troubles with France.
207.Breach with France, 1796-99.—The new President had scarcely assumed office when news arrived that Pinckney had been sent away from Paris. Adams determined, however, to make another effort to renew friendly relations with the former ally of America. He appointed a commission, consisting of Elbridge Gerry, a Massachusetts Republican, John Marshall, a Virginia Federalist, and Charles C.Pinckney, the rejected minister, to go to France and endeavor to preserve peace with the French Republic, now under the government of the Directory. The commissioners met with a most extraordinary reception at Paris(October, 1797). Agents came to them whose names were disguised in the dispatches under the letters X, Y, and Z. They demanded money as the price of receiving the Americans. This was refused, and the commissioners were directed to leave France. An attempt was made, however, to negotiate separately with Gerry, who was regarded as representing the Jeffersonian party. News traveled slowly in those days, and it was April, 1798, before Adams communicated to Congress the failure of this ill-starred commission. In June the President sent the papers to Congress with the assertion that he would “never send another minister to France without assurances that he would be received, respected, and honored as the representative of a great, free, powerful, and independent nation.”
Instantly, there was a revulsion of feeling in Congress. The Federalists gained control of both houses, and pushed forward preparations for defense. A new army organization was begun, with Washington in nominal command; but the real direction of military affairs was intrusted to Hamilton, who was forced on the President by Washington as the price of his own co-operation. The building of a navy, which had already been begun during recent disputes with the piratical states of northern Africa, was now pushed on with vigor. Many of the new vessels did excellent service. In their home policy, however, the Federalists committed grave blunders.
208. Alien and Sedition Acts, 1798.—These acts were the outcome of an exaggerated fear of the Republicans on the part of the Federalists; even Washington, who was now a strict party man, whatever he may have been in his earlier years, proposed to prevent Republicans from joining the army of which he was the head. The first law against aliens was the Naturalization Act(June 18,1798), raising the period of residence preliminary to naturalization from five to fourteen years. The second law(June 25,1798), which is usually cited as the Alien Act, authorized the President to order any aliens “he shall judge dangerous to the peace and safety of the United States, or shall have reasonable grounds to suspect are concerned in any treasonable or secret machinations against the government thereof, to depart out of the territory of the United States” ; or he might, at his discretion, grant an alien a “license to... remain within the United States for such time as he shall judge proper, and at such place as he may designate, ” under such bonds as he may think fit, and he might revoke the license at any time. An alien returning could be “imprisoned so long as, in the opinion of the President, the public safety may require.” The third law directed against aliens, which is generally cited as the Second Alien Mrs.John Adams Act, authorized the President in time of war “to arrest, restrain, secure, and remove as alien enemies all natives or subjects of such hostile nation or government as are not actually naturalized.” The Sedition Act(July 14,1798)made it a crime punishable “by a fine not exceeding five thousand dollars and by imprisonment during a term of not less than six months nor exceeding five years” for any persons to “unlawfully combine” with intent to oppose any measure of the government or to impede the operation of any law, or to intimidate any government official. Furthermore, any person who should write, print, utter, or publish anything, or cause anything to be so written or uttered, with intent to defame the government of the United States, or to excite unlawful combinations, should be punished by a fine not exceeding two thousand dollars and by imprisonment not exceeding two years. The Alien Act was to be in force for two years and the Sedition Act until March 3,1801, the end of Adams's term. These Alien and Sedition Acts were modeled on similar laws which had recently been passed in England, and, with the Naturalization Act, were aimed principally against the Republican politicians and newspaper writers, many of whom were foreigners. These laws were opposed in the House of Representatives by the Republicans, ably led by Albert Gallatin, an immigrant from Switzerland; but their opposition was unavailing. Adams seems to have taken slight interest in the matter; he never acted under the alien acts, but they cannot be said to have been entirely inoperative, as two or three “shiploads” of aliens left the country rather than incur the risk of remaining. The Sedition Act was put into force several times, notably against Callender, a Republican newspaper editor. Every prosecution under the act was given the greatest publicity by the Republicans and lost hundreds, if not thousands, of votes to the Federalists. Jefferson also adopted the old revolutionary expedient of legislative resolves, in order to bring the harsh measures of the Federalists prominently before the people.

Mrs.John Adams约翰·亚当斯夫人

John Adams, after a painting by Stuart
209.Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions, 1798, 1799.—The Kentucky Resolutions, which were the first to be adopted, were introduced into the legislature of that state by Mr.Breckinridge; their real author, however, was Jefferson. His original draft contained the logical conclusions from the premises of the argument which went beyond what the Kentucky legislators were ready to place on record in 1798. In 1799, however, they had reached the necessary pitch of indignation to adopt the whole of Jefferson's argument. There are other differences between Jefferson's draft and the resolutions as voted either in 1798 or 1799. It will be convenient to consider the two sets as one, and to note one or two of the changes from the original writing. The Resolutions of 1798 open with the statement “that the several states composing the United States of America are not united on the principle of unlimited submission to their general government; but that by compact under the style and title of a constitution... they[1]constituted a general government for special purposes, delegated to that government certain definite powers... ; and that wheresoever the general government assumes undelegated powers, its acts are unauthoritative, void, and are of no force:[2]That to this compact each state acceded as a state, and is an integral party, its co-states forming as to itself, the other party... [3]that as in all other cases of compact among parties having no common judge, each party has a right to judge for itself, as well of infractions as of the mode and measure of redress.” The Resolutions then proceed to state that the acts enumerated in the preceding section and an act to punish frauds committed on the Bank of the United States, which was passed in June, 1798, are altogether void and of no force, as they were contrary to the Constitution and the amendments.
Jefferson's original draft had contained the further statement “that every state has a natural right in a case not within the compact(casus non foederis)to nullify of their own authority all assumptions of power by others within their limits.” This statement was omitted from the Resolutions of 1798; it appears in those of 1799 in an even stronger form: “That the several states who formed that instrument [the Constitution] being sovereign and independent, have the unquestionable right to judge of the infraction[of that instrument]; and that a nullification, by those sovereignties, of all unauthorized acts done under color of that instrument, is the rightful remedy.”
The Virginia Resolutions were drawn by Madison and were much milder in tone. They termed the Constitution, however, “a compact, ” and called upon the other states to join with Virginia in declaring the Alien and Sedition Acts unconstitutional. These Resolutions and the Kentucky Resolutions of 1798 were communicated to the other states. They evoked strong condemnation from the legislatures of the Northern states and received no support from those of the Southern states. It is difficult to say what remedy Jefferson and Madison desired to see adopted; probably nothing more than a new constitutional convention; certainly they had no desire to see the Union dissolved, and in all probability wished to do nothing more than to place the compact theory of the Constitution before the people in a clear and unmistakable manner. In this they succeeded, and the Resolutions undoubtedly did much to turn the current of public opinion against the authors of the Alien and Sedition Acts.
A letter which Hamilton wrote to Mr. Dayton, the Federalist Speaker of the House of Representatives, contains an enunciation of the extreme Federalist view, and may be regarded, in some measure, as an answer to the Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions. Its author advocated the cutting up of the states into small.divisions, for the purpose of increasing the number and power of the federal courts. He also suggested the adoption of an amendment tothe Constitution, giving Congress the power to divide the larger states into two or more states. He further advised the retention of the army on its present footing, even if peace should be made with France. At this moment, Adams reopened negotiations with France, and by concluding a treaty with that country, put an abrupt ending to the dreams of Hamilton and his friends and widened the breach in the Federalist party beyond possibility of repair.
210.Treaty with France, 1800.—The publication of the X, Y, Z correspondence caused great excitement among the governing circles in France. Talleyrand, who had been at the bottom of the intrigue, saw that he had gone too far, and tried to draw back; he caused an intimation to be conveyed to Vans Murray, American minister to the Netherlands, that if the United States would send another envoy to France, he would be “received as the representative of a great, free, powerful, and independent nation.” Adams grasped eagerly at the opportunity to bring peace to his country.Without consulting his cabinet, he nominated Vans Murray as minister to France. The Federalist leaders in the Senate, amazed at this change of front, seemed determined to reject the nomination, when Adams substituted a commission consisting of Oliver Ellsworth, Jay's successor as Chief Justice, Patrick Henry, and Vans Murray; and these nominations were confirmed.Henry, now old and infirm, declined to serve, and William R.Davie of North Carolina, another Southern Federalist, was appointed in his stead. Adams also seized the first opportunity to dismiss the most treacherous of his advisers, and substituted John Marshall in place of Timothy Pickering as Secretary of State.
Napoleon Bonaparte, as First Consul, was now at the head of affairs in France. The commissioners were well received, and a French commission, at the head of which was Joseph Bonaparte, Napoleon's brother, was appointed to negotiate with them. In many respects, the treaty thus concluded was satisfactory to both parties; but Napoleon declined to pay for American property seized by the French government or by its agents during the recent troubles, or to consent to the formal abandonment of the treaty of 1778. These subjects were reserved for future negotiations. The United States Senate refused to ratify this part of the arrangement. Ultimately, it was agreed that the United States should give up its contention as to the payment of claims, and Napoleon consented to regard the treaty of 1778 as no longer binding. In this way, by the action of the Senate, the United States became bound, at least morally, to compensate its own citizens for French spoliations committed prior to 1800, whichwere thus bartered away for the final renunciation of the treaty of 1778 with its formidable guarantee of the French West India possessions. It is only within recent years, however, when legal proof has become almost impossible, that the American government has consented to pay these “French spoliation claims.”
211. The Election of 1800.—The presidential election of 1800 was fought with great vigor and acrimony.John Adams, by his honest and patriotic policy, had saved the country from a disastrous war, and had deeply offended the leaders of the Federalist party. He was still popular with the people, who recognized his fearless honesty and remembered his great services during the Revolution. He became the Federalist candidate for the presidency because there was no one else to nominate with any chance of success. Hamilton, instead ofaccepting his candidature with good grace and supporting the party candidate with all his strength and influence, embarked on a course of petty intrigue, similar to the intrigues of 1788 and 1796, which have been already described(pp.281,304). Charles Cotesworth Pinckney of South Carolina was the Federalist candidate for second place. It was proposed that the South Carolina electors should vote for Pinckney and Jefferson, in the expectation that the votes thus withdrawn from Adams and given to Jefferson would relegate Adams to second place and bring in Pinckney as President. The latter honorably refused to be a party to such a transaction. Hamilton also sought to discredit Adams by writing a long dissertation to show his unfitness for the office of chief magistrate. This paper was based on information furnished by Oliver Wolcott, who had succeeded Hamilton as Secretary of the Treasury. The Republicans obtained a copy and gave it the widest publication. The Federalists were probably doomed to failure, as the heavy taxes made necessary by the preparations for war, and the odium which surrounded the prosecutions under the Sedition Act, had converted thousands to the Republican side. That party was now thoroughly organized by Jefferson and the other leaders, especially Aaron Burr, a disreputable politician, who had been nominated for the vice-presidency because he controlled the votes of New York. When the electoral ballots were counted, it was found that Jefferson and Burr had each received seventy-three votes; Adams, sixty-five; and Pinckney, sixty-four. As the Constitution then stood, the electors did not designate their preference for President, and in case of a tie the House of Representatives, voting by states, must elect one of the two highest, President.

Election of 1800
It happened that the Federalists were in a majority in the House, both as ordinarily constituted and when voting by states. Enraged at their defeat, and embittered beyond all measure with Jefferson, they determined to thwart the will of the people and elect Burr; for there was no question as to which candidate the Republicans desired to have President. This was against the advice of Hamilton, who distrusted and hated Burr even more than he did Jefferson. Thirty-six ballots were necessary before the Federalists could bring themselves to acquiesce in Jefferson's election, and even then they refused to vote for him, and permitted him to be chosen only by absenting themselves. The Federalists lost immeasurably by this political maneuver. Once in power, the Republicans proposed an amendment to the Constitution revising the method of choosing the President and Vice-President(p.341).
212. The Judiciary Act, 1800.—Defeated in the election, the Federalists “retreated into the Judiciary as a strong hold.” The Judiciary, as it was established at the time or the organization of the government, was more than sufficient for the transaction of all the business that was likely to come before it for many years. Nevertheless, the Federalists, after the results of the election were known, pushed through Congress an act greatly enlarging it and providing many new and valuable places to be filled by the President of the defeated party. The Constitution forbids a member of Congress to accept an office which has been created, or the emoluments of which have been increased, during his term as a member of that body. This requirement was now evaded by promoting many district judges to the new positions, and filling the vacancies thus created by the appointment of members of Congress. One of Adams's judicial appointments deserves a fuller mention. Oliver Ellsworth, Jay's successor in the chief-justiceship, resigned, and John Marshall was nominated in his stead. He was at the moment acting as Secretary of State and for a few days performed the duties of both offices, —a combination of executive and judicial functions not contemplated by the Constitution. He proved to be the ablest legal luminary America has yet produced. For thirty-five years he remained at the head of the Supreme Court, continuing in that branch of the government the broad constructive theories of constitutional interpretation maintained by the Federalists.
Adams also filled up every vacant office in the government, and Marshall was still busy countersigning commissions when the hour of twelve struck on the night of March 3,1801, and the Federalist supremacy came to an end. At dawn the next morning Adams set out for his home in Quincy, Massachusetts, without waiting to greet his unwelcome successor.