第4章 大理石雕塑
long as the artist would have liked.The Greeks made theirs of marble and that was just right.One reason they made such beautiful statues was because they had such beautiful marble to make them from.
In Greece there were several places called quarries where the finest marble in the world was found. One was on a mountain called Pentelicus and another was on an island called Paros.There is still plenty of marble from Pentelicus and Paros, but there is no Greek or other person now living who can make it into such sculpture as did these Greeks who lived two thousand years ago.It takes more than good marble to make a good statue.
But the Greeks did not start off making beautiful statues. The first and oldest piece of Greek sculpture we have is of two lions over a stone gateway at a place called Mycenae.These lions have lost their heads.But even with the heads they once had, they could not have been any finer than some of the Assyrian lions cut in alabaster.
One of the next oldest pieces of Greek sculpture looks almost like something a child might have done, but that is to be expected, for it was made

when Greece was a child.It tells the Greek story of Perseus and Medusa.
Medusa was a beautiful girl who dared to compete in beauty with Athena, the goddess of wisdom. To punish her, Athena turned Medusa into a horrible-looking creature with hissing snakes that writhed and twisted about her head.So terrible was Medusa's face that anyone who looked at her was turned into stone.
A young hero named Perseus was dared by an enemy of his to cut off Medusa's horrible head. The goddess Athena, who was a friend of Perseus, led him to Medusa.To get there quickly, Perseus borrowed a pair of winged sandals from the god Hermes.When he came to the place where Medusa lay asleep, he borrowed Athena's shield so he could use the shiny inside as a mirror to see how to cut off her head without looking directly at her-and out sprang a winged horse called Pegasus.
In the sculpture, Perseus is shown cutting off Medusa's head as he looks away. Medusa clasps Pegasus in her arms.Athena, on the other side, looks more like a man than a girl, and although she is facing front, her foot is twisted sideways so it would fall inside the block of stone.

Medusa’s right leg is longer than the left, for the left leg is very short from the knee up.Are you wondering why her legs are such different lengths?To show her walking, one leg had to be made longer so both could remain on the platform and the statue could stand up.Pegasus is depicted as a tiny toy horse and his hind legs are like those of a kangaroo-much longer than his front legs.
The Lion Gateway and Perseus and Medusa are both in high relief, but later the statue Apollo of Tenea was made in-the-round. Apollo was the Greek Sun god and, along with Adonis, was supposed to be one of the most handsome of all the gods, but this statue of him may not make you think that he is beautiful.Sometimes ideas about beauty change.
The ancient Greeks thought the human body was the most beautiful thing in the world. They tried to make their own bodies beautiful through sports, exercise, and healthful living, and they made statues of their most famous athletes as examples.
Today we often liken athletic-looking people to Apollo. This statue is probably not of

Apollo at all, but just the figure of an athlete such as a runner or a jumper.In this sculpture Apollo is not beefy like the Assyrians or skinny like the Egyptians, but his face has a particular expression, the hair is perfectly placed, and the eyes seem to bulge.
Apollo of Tenea is one of the first statues we have that seems to be smiling. Perhaps the man has just won a race.More likely, the smile is there to show liveliness so that the face, like the figure, looks more natural or real.This early, or archaic, sculpture is interesting, but from this point forward the Greek statues are not only interesting but also beautiful in the way we think of beauty nowadays.